Lily Infantry - 1250
Led by Maverik

The Lily Infantry are each armed with a steel sword and a cyper wood shield. They are of differing heights, but make up for this in making strong groups of 250 strong platoons. Each of these platoons is led by a single captain, and ultimately all of these are led by Maverik.
Ability: Each of the infantry is trained for endurance, and they can each endure up to four times the amount of pain, and needs such as hunger or exhaustion for three posts. After this they will suffer all of the effects of any damage they take.
Pain or Hunger/Exhaustion. Both would be two abilities considering hunger and exhaustion are just as viable a wound as actual wounds in a large scale tactical battle.

Lily Mounted Archers - 250 (worth 750)
Led by Rameses Vaeron

The Lily Mounted Archers each ride a horse that is hardy and strong. These horses and their riders are clothed in leather for ease of speed. Each of the Archers is armed with a cypher wood bow and a dozen steel-tipped arrows. These arrows will be collected and resupplied after each round/battle of the Gisela. They also have a steel spear. The Archers are fully capable of shooting while riding, and are trained to be focused, and the horses are trained for battle. They can split easily into various formations.
Ability: The Lilies are trained well that their arrows will never miss, so long as their target is within one hundred metres. They can aim for a main body area - head, arm, neck etc. They can only be blocked by a person or unit with fast speed or magic.
Auto hit abilities are taboo. You know better than this. A degree of homing or arrow curve, sure, but not auto-hit. Even the caveat of moving too fast or fast magic is not enough. I won't grant guaranteed casualties.

Lily Mages - The Unseen - 250
Led by Gosling

The Unseen are an elite group of stealthy individuals, who bear simple steel punch daggers. They are trained in the art of silence, and are capable of staying still for long periods of time. They also are trained to, if necessary, separate and act upon their own. They are all trained assassins, and so are good in the art of silent killing.
Ability: An Unseen is able to go invisible, so long as they are entirely still. This does not include minor movements such as breathing or speaking. However, speaking will make noise, possibly alerting the enemy.
This is okay, but the standard constraints of human or living biological systems apply: hunger, sleep, urination, bowel movements, etc. In other words, extremely long encampments or ambushes would be possible but at risk to unit performance.

High Healers - 100 (worth 300)
Led by Nevin

The high healers are, again, of mixed race, drawn directly from the special forces of the Gilded Lily. They wear steel chainmail and are each equipped with a steel sword. They are very versatile fighters as well as healers. Each one is able to work on an injured warrior as well as fight off an army. They are strong, and determined.
Ability: High Healers are able to heal one major wound per post each, and, if three are present, raise a person from the dead once per three posts. This person must have freshly died and they must (realistically) have been able to get to them within one post.
This is okay so long as logical constraints apply. IE, if they've been dismembered, crushed beyond recognition, had parts of bodies consumed, vaporized, or have been reanimated by other magics. Dismemberment or decapitation would require the missing limbs collected unless you would like the unit revived handicapped. Given the massive benefit to this ability, I am also restricting it to after-war. Or during attack phases where both sides are writing out an overnight encampment. Thus, giving the mages time to heal units with concentration.

The Drakes - 250 (worth 750)
No commander

The drakes are a wild group, who have been inspired by the one they call 'Grandson' - meaning, grandson of Drys, the tree goddess. This is none less than Delath, whom Philomel rides into battle. The Drakes are vicious and ferocious. They are unable to fly, but each stands at twenty foot long and five foot to the shoulder, and look like a large komodo dragon (real world) with the colours of brown and green. They are able to camoflague into their surroundings, if indeed their surroundings are a large open field. They are rather volatile, and it is a possibility that in a tight spot they will attack their own side. They have skin the natural strength of steel.
Ability: Drakes are able to bite through almost anything. That is, they are able to punch holes through any armour that is placed in their way, up to and including the level of titanium.
You'll need to take another look at this. Skin as strong as steel, camouflage, and teeth/jaws strong enough to tear up to the highest tier (save legendary) metals? I'd permit them to puncture steel. Skin as tough as leather armor given their size that should be normal and need not mentioning. And I understand they're reptilian, bit you'll need to weigh out steel puncturing or camouflage.