Infantry: exhaustion/hunger removed.

Mounted combat: it was based on point blank shot, a classic pathfinder move. I actually have seen very similar abilities through RoG, with a cover of some form of condition. Changed to two arrows in the space of one.

Unseen - 'condition added.

High healers - does the basic healing also need to be done after battle? Added condition.

Drakes - lowered it to steel bite, taken away chamoflage, though it wasn't really an ability anyway (said camouflage only in a large, open field, so very rare you could find that). I am confused if you want me to lower the steel skin or not. It was to equate them to other beings, forgoing covering them in armour, and having it as their natural make up instead. Added this: "They have skin the natural strength of leather, aside from their skulls, back and tail. Their weapons are claws and teeth."