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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

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    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    This time...

    This time it was Scarlets turn to choke on the sickly sweet brown nectar of the sugar fae.

    What the fuck did she just say?


    Was Madison...coming onto her?

    did all that time betwixt her buxom bosom cause the Briarknit woman to have some semblance of feeling? One that wasn't utter contempt and rage, one that wasn't vittrol? Scarlet shook her head. "Madison. Don't start tempting me with some mission impossible into your *ahem*" Scarlet coughed and quickly bought the cup up to her lips once more. If her mouth was full she wouldn't need to be thinking about such deviant thoughts. Not that she was mind you, no. Madison was... a friend. Besides, she really didn't need to add another person to the tally of people she slept with who either died or abandoned her. It'd be better if there was some sort of virus that just... stopped all that needless sex and hormones.

    No procreation. Let the shitty world die out.

    Scarlet shut her eyes, letting Madisons strangely comforting briarknit fingers combing through her wild crimson locks.

    "See if you were to woo me, right about now - you'd stick your hand on my leg. Or - if you were the titfaun you'd just straddle me and take out the middleman. I'm sure vines are a good substitute for things"

    Oh yes. That's it. Get your best friend back and push her right the fuck away again.

    Scarlet sat up and smoothed out her clothes. "You're the only one allowed to call me Amari. I catch anyone else doing it and I'll fucking knife them in the spleen and feed it to Advencia on a silver platter." Scarlet paused, frowning. She turned away from Madison. "It's... fucking depressing to think that you're the only real friend I have aside from Aure. I mean... even Lye. He trusts you more than me. I'm not clueless. I know he sent you off somewhere. Course - god forbid he wants anything to do with me. Fuck."

    Scarlet slammed her cup down on the table.

    "I unno where he is, and I'm meant to be looking after his entire organization. Bit hard when I have no fuckin' clue what he wants of me. Never fuckin' good enough am I?"
    Last edited by Amari; 06-28-2018 at 11:07 AM.

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