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  1. #1

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Philomel saw the boot come in at a nervously acute angle. She ducked back, calling out Veridian'a name loud and clear, shoving herself with a mighty push from the black-haired being. As she did a fresh tomato landed on her shoulder and she found her lip curling with disgust. But it was not the fight to concentrate on. No, rather there was this man here, right in front of them, prepared to end their life.

    Veridian was flung off the face as the boot connected with flesh ans fabric. The small beast let out a yelp as he flew into the air, letting himself be released. With a sudden burst of speed Philomel darted, catching him with one arm as now the assailant began to topple forwards. It seemed she had been the only one to properly notice the boot.

    Careering forwards the masked man smashed head first into the table littered with splintered glass, palms flat out in an attempt to soften his landing. The faun, though, was the faun. Pulling back her head only slightly she dragged in a breath before throwing her head down. Her horns met his skull with a sickening sound like a crunch and a splat.

    Her horns smashed him into unconciousness. Whether he was dead or not Philomel did not care to look. She gave a vague glance up and down the black-and-grey-clad body before twisting around to glance at their rescuer.

    Just as bread splattered against the wall.

    Of course it was Breaker. Nobody else called her Lyre-bearer. She doused the flame on her dagger, let a struggling Veridian down from under her arm as she vaguely was aware of a fist fight between that wretch Zack Blaze, who had bloody once framed her for his own murder.

    She'd deal with him later. That had been a long time ago, after all, before the Gilded Lily.

    "Breaker," she huffed, partly collapsing against the table. "Fancy seeing you here."

    Veridian meanwhile began to crawl away, realsing they were not going to leave this pub that had become a hell hole. He figured the safest place to be away from the food would be behind the bar, where it had begun and where a large object of wood would protect him. Quietly he slunk around the people, seeing a short drow, a funny young human, a ... Metal thing with a box for a head and that small Fae child Fenn. He liked that kid. He would say hello later.

    Meanwhile there was a minotaur to dodge.

    Now he would get away from the food and the punches, and hide in the shadows.

    Where hopefully none would find him.
    Last edited by Philomel; 07-13-2018 at 12:59 AM.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

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