The gasp made Evian pause, blinking against the sunlight, and he turned around, looking for the source. It took him a moment to spot the small woman, who was currently half-hidden behind one of the beams of the tavern near the entrance he was about to walk through. It was clear she had been trying to be sneaky, though why that would be he had no clue. What he also didn't understand was why she was currently gaping at him like a fish out of water.

It hadn't been just walking away, no. If that had been the case then she would have said something sooner, closer to when he started moving. And it wasn't the slow, steady beat of music in the background that was coming from the bard playing deeper in the tavern, either. No, the brown-haired - or was that brown furred? - young woman was staring at him, not at anyone else. Raising an eyebrow and feeling mildly self-conscious Evian gave himself a quick once-over. Sure, he was a bit scuffed up from running through the woods, and yes, he had a bit of drying blood on one boot and pant leg, but he didn't think that was anything to be gasping over. Just to be sure, he looked back towards where he had been sitting.

No, no pool of blood there, so he wasn't hurt on his back and unaware of it. Check done, he turned his gaze towards the young lady and cocked his head to one side. "What? I don't have any of your yarn stuck to me, do I?" It was about the only thing he could think of that would have drawn an exclamation from a relative stranger - all they knew of each other was names after all - but he hadn't seen anything like that. And her brightly colored yarn was rather distinctive.

Evian had to step to the side as someone tried to come into the tavern, as he was still standing in the doorway, blocking it. A bemused part of his mind wondered what it looked like to someone else. A man trying to walk away only to be brought to a halt by a gasp from a young woman who was fidgeting and staring at him.

There was something off about her expression, though, something that at the back of his head made him uncomfortable. She was staring at him, yes, but almost seemed to be looking through him, her eyes darting back and forth like she was trying to place a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled as he frowned slightly.