As Leoric took a few steps outside he looked around and noticed a few snowflakes drift lazily to the ground as the biting wind from earlier seemed to have taken its rest for the evening. The ever consuming chill that still permeated the air was still enough to make Leoric regret not buying some heavier clothing, after all he was just in some trousers, a shirt, and a leather jacket with a Fur lined cloak draped over his shoulders. It wasn’t the warmest thing he could have worn. But he was a stickler, he wasn’t going to be here in salvar for much longer then he needed to, so wasting money on warmer clothes seemed like a waste to him. He can soldier through whatever was thrown his way.

“They found her! Over this way!” a rather loud and boisterous man shouted as he gestured for others to follow him and ran down a nearby street. Leoric tried to see if the street had a name and only found the name of the Inn he had to turn at.

“What are the chances they are going to be where i have to go?” he asked out loud as he took a step off of the Tavern’s veranda and into the freshly fallen snow. With a satisfying crunch under his foot he took off towards the Inn.

As he got closer he could hear the commotion as a small group of men seemed to have found and chased someone down an alley. Based on the previous shout he had heard he knew he now had to intervene. The men ran down an alleyway as several mischievous laughs could be heard. Leoric looked around and saw a man clearing snow off of his rooftop, ladder still pressed against the roof. Leoric gripped his bottle of Amber glow tightly and ran towards the ladder, climbing it quickly and watching the scene play out beneath him in the Alleyway next to the house.

“Actually, that sounds like what someone terrified for their life would say. Not a witch, a witch would just use their magic and turn you into frogs or something. And in this weather? A frog would freeze solid in what? Five minutes? Yeah i think about five minutes.” Leoric quipped as the man closest to the terrified human took a few steps back and looked up at Leoric. “Now as to who has magic, you were targeting the wrong person.”

Leoric jumped off the roof and landed between the man and woman, his cloak billowing behind him. As he landed a large amount of snow and mud were scattered into the air, but instead of splashing on any one or anything, they began to circle around the muscle bound man.

“I am the one with Magic, so if you want to take me to the Church, you are going to have to drag me there.”

“Your kind is a sin! It's blasphemy against the natural order of things! You are damn right we are going to drag you to the church. Men, let's take him home.” The leader spat as he, and most of those loyal to him charged forward. Leoric shrugged his shoulders and let his cloak fall to the ground behind him. Showing him hold an unopened bottle of booze in one hand, a sword strapped to his right hip, and several small satchels all around his belt. The leader let out a roar as he connected with a large monstrous punch to the abdominal region of Leoric. Immediately the once full of himself ‘leader’ recoiled in pain a few steps as he had just broken his fist. But all this seemed to do was infuriate the rest of his troop. The revealed brawler sighed an exasperated sigh before he lunged into the fray. He didn’t even need to use his magic to fight this group of neanderthals, but he kept it flashy and the wind blowing around him in a double helix pattern up to the sky. After a few moments the majority of the troop was on the ground or trying to get up.

“You may want to learn to mind your own damn business, next time it won't just be your fist i break. Now get out of here before i change my mind on letting you live.” Leoric boasted as the men fumbled to their feet and ran away. The leader vows to get the church and come back for both of them. As he holds his hand and limps out of the alley.

“May want to ice that!” Leoric chuckled to himself as he let his wind magic fade away and all the snow and mud that was in the air fell to the ground. “Look, i don’t know you, and you don’t know me. But if you are what they thought you were, you are going to need a place to stay for a night or two. I know of a place. The name is Leoric Blackwell, pleasure to beat some people up for ya.”