Three hooded figures looked down upon a map on the table. The map showed a town in the center. The town was technically considered a small town, but it took up a bit of the map since it was the main focus of said map. To the north of the town it showed farmland that led all the way up to the some hills, a place to observe the lands that the town sat upon. The south also had some farmlands that lead to a forest, the same forest in which they had set up camp. To the east of the town sat more farmland that lead to the ocean. A small harbor could be seen with a road that connected it to the town. And to the west was yet again more farmland that lead to a canyon pass, a babbling brook all that was left of the great river that made the canyon. The brook cut the entire map in half as it made it's way to the sea.

The map is slightly out dated, but only by a few hours. See, the town was now in ruins and the farms have been turned into nothing but dusty land. The reason for this, the three hooded figures have just attacked and destroyed the town alongside their army. They slaughtered the people of Helen-Var to draw out the one who would be the greatest threat, the Osiris Legion, an army that they would need to get rid of before they try to make their way to the rest of the kingdoms of Althanas. They will take the lands of the people who hurt they're brothers and cleans the world of their filth. The Thayne shall rue they day they created the Althanian race only to lock them up in the Tap. The people they so loved shall be the bait to draw them out so they can be destroyed. The Althanians will rule over the land as they should of and nothing would deter them! They will rise and they will conquer!