“Out, fearlessly into tha unknown, ta experience this night life I keep hearing about dear,” Yvonne explained for her dreamy tag along. She detected an understated change in the minstrel and beamed about it, quite happy with herself. Henry wasn’t saying so but he may as well have been shouting it, through body language and a very long pause, while he digested what had bloody well taken place.

An aura of cuteness radiated from him, walking backwards just so he could keep his eyes on her, and staring surreptitiously from the corner of his vision afterward. He didn’t know whether to eyeball her openly or hide his lingering gaze. So, so cute. As a bard he gave the performances and others watched, listened and applauded. That was how things were. She would never play an instrument to the calibre he could, but the realization she performed in other ways must have rocked his world.

Travelling bards rarely found their way through her mother’s door - a bunkhouse deep in the dreary slums of Kachuck - and even when they did Mera usually turned them away. She couldn’t afford to pay them. Sometimes they stayed regardless, content with a room and a meal. Often the Mythrilmantles went without music and Yvonne sometimes filled the void, with her own song and dance. Later in life her tutor had refined those skills exponentially.

“Yer advice on tha matter would be well heeded, of course. I could get used ta listening ta yer council ye know,” the half-and-halfling amended. This had been her first day in Stonevale and without his guidance their nightly exploration would be meandering at best, not that she imagined the wandering minstrel would mind at all. It didn’t particularly please Yvonne to waste time however, because time was a precious commodity and always, always plenty needed to be done.

Together they walked back through the manor, their footsteps quietly taking them by creaky wooden floorboards which Henry aptly pointed out to her. It wouldn’t do to wake the Matron or the children. None of them needed encouraging or their bad example, sneaking out late at night to get into any mischief they could come across. Firstly they would need their belongings, still hanging up in the dining room. With a chill in the air her scarf would be most welcome, despite the fact her host had warmed her heart.