The Alerian hybrid felt as though she was flirting with death. Curiosity killed the cat, after all. Walking alongside a Haidian demon, even keeping distance for safety should have had consequences. Death didn’t come immediately so she began to ponder, wondering how much more she could pry into this demon’s business and get away with it.

Nosdyn he had named himself. Plenty of information had been offered for her to process already. The amber-eyed demon had almost certainly spoken lies, a clever cover story to shroud a Haidian spy come to invade the island of Scara Brae. His outwardly nonchalant body language looked commendable, certainly - she would give him that - but her strategically placed silver eyes noticed his tiny details of hesitation. The demon had thought carefully about his words and she knew it! Obviously that meant a change from his initial response.

Yvonne nearly replied to this supposed ‘Nosdyn’, her black lips ajar and about to say something more when a gruff human male rudely interrupted her and their cordial conversation. She closed her lips with a bit of a sneer, pausing as she turned to face him. The half-and-halfling’s silver eyes glinted dangerously and narrowed.

“Who tha blooming cockerel wallops ye be? Ye don’t get ta tell me what I should or should not do, young man,” she stated, terse. With that, she turned back to Nosdyn.

Who does this rust-bucket man think he be, barging into our conversation? Not only rude but packing tha gall ta advise me about how ta interact with a Haidian demon? Yer got ta be joking, don’t ye? Don’t any of these short-lived humans know their histories? This one be more likely ta eat me than share a meal with me. They invaded tha land of me ancestors and sought ta rid tha world of every other race! They butchered an entire dwarven civilization and I ‘might want ta take him up on his offer?’

“Hmph,” Yvonne snorted derisively.

Eyes of the market crowd watched them, obviously, but it was less about the three of them making a fuss - more about two exotic foreigners mingling together and a bunch of superstitious humans feeling suspicious. They were probably glad this tin man was stepping in to sort it out. Two foreigners talking clearly meant trouble. An ill omen! Quickly, someone knock on wood to ward off the evil spirits!

“I think it’d be safer ta stay here in tha rain, but thank ye for offering. Only risk catching a cold here in tha market,” Yvonne finally replied for the demon’s benefit only. I’d rather catch me death hundreds of years from now. Not today.

The annoyed little woman knew very well where they might dine and enjoy an excellent meal. That said she didn’t trust the demon enough to invite him into the inn where she resided, and she certainly wasn’t in the mood for playing nice with the arrogant knight beside her. Instead she simply crossed her arms beneath her bosom and brought her woolen cloak fully about herself, sticking her nose in the air.