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  1. #2

    EXP: 5,050, Level: 3
    Level completed: 2%, EXP required for next Level: 3,950
    Level completed: 2%,
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    Lilly Svalesin
    Dark Elf

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    Disgusting. Abhorrent. Guilt. These were just a few of the words to describe her mood upon her latest discovery. To the core of her very being the repulsion of this evil act sickened her tremendously. Meanwhile a burning pyre of sheer hatred threatened to consume her wholly. And finally, there was the sense of guilt. Personal responsibility to right the wrongs that had happened to her once upon a time. Lilly felt it to be her duty to ensure what befell her did not leech the innocence of youth from some other poor soul. But what really weighed on her conscious was that these victims were even younger than she had been.

    Now, to solve the problem created a host of new issues. When the lithe dark elf was captured it was due to her family’s name. Their honorable status and her brother’s selfish political aspirations. However, with the vanishing of these youths it appeared to be entirely random. No set patterns, no obvious motive, and no children that turned up later to identify what ill fate had befallen them.

    That confounded Lilly. The elven innovator was always eager to take a break from her mystical studies to throw a wrench in the plans of the Alerian underground. Especially when it was this personal. Though to the vigilante’s disappointment she had no clue where to begin. Her sleuthing skills were anything but refined and uncovering plots, breaking up criminal organizations, these were not the same as manufacturing steam engines or assembling mechanical devices. Foolishly she had assumed that if she could uncover the scum’s hideout she may be able to persuade a band of mercenaries to bust the place up for the reward money.

    One thing was certain. All of this contemplation had been a bit tiring. Not enough to sleep, but exactly enough to drink. She stepped into the crowded taproom on her left.

    “Gin,” she issued to the barkeep, while placing a single coin on the edge of the bar.

    The purveyor behind the bar grabbed a cheap bottom shelf gin, she was tight on funds and gin was her normal go-to budget drink. Releasing the cork caused the distinct sound she was so familiar with. Anticipation rose as he poured a bit of the clear liquid into a foggy, plain, glass and presented it with a nod of his head. Her gauntleted left hand reached out and brought the alcohol to thin lips as she took her initial sip.

    As the bitter liquor descended down the woman’s throat she performed mental reassessment of her day. When the charcoal skinned girl first caught wind of the disappearances perpetrated by the criminal element of Alerar she was clueless as to how to stop it. Eventually though her research led her to the epicenter of the kidnappings, this very city. Sadly, her first day here had proven to be... disastrous. Wandering around aimlessly proved to be a poor way to solve crimes.

    To cement her misfortune, there was no peace in this saloon. A very loud Alerian elf was getting drunk out of his mind. He paid no concern to the volume of his voice either. From her seat at the bar Lilthis narrowed her pale blues into a glare as his merriment continued. She had not even noticed the menacing Huntsman that was also casting a dirty look towards the louder elf.
    Last edited by Lilthis; 06-15-2018 at 09:52 PM.

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