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  1. #1

    EXP: 9,940, Level: 4
    Level completed: 19%, EXP required for next Level: 4,060
    Level completed: 19%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,060

    Hayate_Amatsukami's Avatar


    Hayate Amatsukami
    Hayate Amatsukami held tightly to twisting tendrils as he attempted to scale the front of the Gothic castle. Sweet dripped from his brow as he pulled himself up inches at a time using what upper body strength the one-armed man could gather. It was a slow process trying to find as much footing a possible and trusting that his own strength would'nt give out as he reached up to grab the next clutch of vines. To say it was nauseating would be an understatement but the leader of the Immortals wouldn’t let this simple task get the better of him.

    You do know that I could just-…

    Don’t even start with me. Hayate quickly silenced his partner. Yamato was a smart spirit but didn’t quite understand that Hayate was doing this for himself. This would be his first time back in the Citadel since he lost his arm to Hiruzen and if nothing else other than just to spit in that bastard's face the young swordsman wouldn't let this that stop him.

    If he did then Hiruzen won.

    Just don’t get too far behind her. Yamato persisted to echo though the young swordsman’s thoughts. Luckily for Hayate he wasn’t the first person to teleport into the arena and caught a glimpse of a young ginger girl scaling her way into a broken window high above the castle’s front gate.

    Can you just let me concentrate? Hayate thought back as he locked his foot into a tangle of vines pressing forward through adversity. He continued to climb at a snail’s pace until he reached the broke stained glass entryway. The one-armed man huffed and puffed as he pulled himself on top of the giant vine that draped though the window. It was shameful to admit but Hayate was already tired.

    The interior was dimly lit but the shards of light that poked though the canopy of hanging vines above beautifully accented the diverse colors of the fauna within. Hayate breathed heavily as he leaned though to try and catch another glimpse of his opponent. Until now he had the element of surprise on his side and didn’t want to lose it too quickly so he did this with caution. As his eyes scanned what parts of the throne room he could see in the dim light the current dilapidated state of the masonry didn’t go unnoticed as Hayate tried to formulate some kind of plan.

    Just then the noise of heavy footsteps began to echo though the open room. The young swordsman withdrew his head and hugged vine tightly to avoid being spotted as best he could. Quietly he listened and as the footsteps grew louder and louder he strained his neck trying to see it while remaining out of sight himself. From either side of the throne room extended two barely visible corridors hiding behind darkness and greenery. Hayate was familiar with the little tricks the monks who ran the Citadel like to play when they build their arena and knew that whatever dwelled within these abandoned halls wouldn’t play nicely.

    Slowly the footsteps pounded against the broken cobblestone floor as a large metal clad figure came into view. Dressed in shadows the black figure ominously entered the throne room standing about ten feet high and heavily armored. From what Hayate could see without compromising his position the Black Night had a large broadsword in his right hand and an aegis in his left. On its shield was the insignia of a gargoyle like the ones Hayate noticed as he scaled the entryway of the castle.

    That must be a sentinel or something, Yamato chimed in breaking Hayate’s silent concentration. But you’re ignoring the task at hand. You need to find the girl, don’t bother with this guy unless we have to.

    You’re right. Hayate answered again as he shifted his attention from the Black Night who continued to drag its feet across the crumbling cobblestone floor. The little girl was much quicker than Hayate when it came to climbing and it wouldn’t be impossible for her to have already disappeared further into the castle by now. So with that in mind Hayate stood from his hiding spot before he disappeared into the shadows. He moved with the skills of an assassin clinging to the darkness as he slowly and quietly lowered himself one vine at a time.

    Moments later as the one-armed man was trying to climb down in peace from out of nowhere the large black sword of the sentinel below whirled past Hayate’s head. It made a loud clinging sound as it firmly planted itself into the vine and stone next to the young swordsman. Hayate let out a startled cry as he lost his grip and plummeted down landing on top of the large gateway beneath him. It appeared that the black knight had Hayate pegged from the very beginning. As it let out a bone chilling screech the soldier catapulted itself a number of meter to where its sword was embedded.

    Above black knight ripped the sword from the wall with a violent roar before it turned it face to look at one-armed man catching his breath below. Hayate hadn’t the time to relax as the monster let go of the wall and quickly plummeted with his sword ready to impale the swordsman. Without a second to think Hayate rolled off the large gate falling good three or four feet before using his good arm to grab a handing branch. He hung for the briefest of moments before letting go and landing safely on his feet.

    Now would be a good time to run. Yamato suggested.

    Right, Hayate answered as he pivoted and made a wild dash for one of the two corridors on the right side of the room. Maybe this will lure out that girl.
    Last edited by Hayate_Amatsukami; 07-04-2018 at 12:12 AM.
    "Just shut up for once! What the hell do you know about it?! It's not like you ever had a family in the first place! You were on your own right from the beginning, what makes you think you know anything about it?! Huh?! I'm suffering now because I had those ties, how on earth could you possibly understand, what it feels like to lose all that!" -Sasuke Uchiha

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