It took Koreena a moment for the magic she had called from her father- demigod blood to dissipate. Another shiver ran down her delicate spine as she casted one last longing look to the group that was now cowering around their friend. She sucked in her lower lip as she could still feel the seductive pull to end their feeble lives.

“We shall,” she bowed in return, the slight pout her face held now melted to a seductive smirk.

The walked down the street, the sames whispers, gasps and feared looks that she had earned from the townsfolk before followed her once again. She was making her own name for herself and it wouldn’t be long before the shadow of her absent father was no more. Their walk to the small pub was quiet but Koreena didn’t mind, she enjoyed the comfortable quiet.

It didn’t take them long to get to the pub. He opened the door for her and ushered her in, following behind her. KC walked straight to the counter and peeled off the white shirt that was stained with the blood of her victim.

“I need a new shirt,” she demanded.

“We- we aren’t a clothing store miss,” the pub wench stammered.

“She means, please can you spare a shirt,” the horned man leaned around her and set a shining silver on the bar. “And two tankards of your cask brew please.” He gave a pleasing smile.

KC snorted unlady like at the well mannered man before her bright gaze narrowed with annoyance. “Also a washing basin…..please.” She said sickly sweet, casting a sarcastic look at the horned man.

“I've learned it's often simpler to just be nice for the small things, then it gets done faster,” he smiled back at her, “if that doesn't work, then you can resort to the demands.”

The girl rolled her eyes as she shook her head, ‘aye, aye Captain.” She stood at attention and soluited him mockingly.

A pale of warm soapy water was set on the counter along with a simple purple tunic shirt. Koreena flashed the pug keep a smile before walking towards the back of the seating area. Her heels clicking softly against the wooden floors as she went. Heaving the pale of water onto the table she took the rag that had been soaking in the warm soapy solution and wrung it out.

She worked at cleaning her face first, the droplets of water rolled down her neck and disappeared in her bosom. A sigh parted her lips as she worked her way from her neck to her ample breast. She dunk the rag back in to the water wringing it back out before she washed the remnants of what happened a few minutes ago away.

When she was finally finished with cleaning herself up she pulled the tunic over her head. The fabric bunched around her arms stopping just after her elbow, the clinging fabric let a small portion of her midriff to peak out. Turning around she held out the rag towards the horned man, uncertain if he wished to clean up as well.

He looked at her with an odd look in his eyes before he grabbed the rag, dipped it in water and slapped it to the back of his neck. “Charles, by the way. Everyone calls me Char, though. Professor Charles … De’Erebus.” He smiled as he rubbed at his neck.

“Charles,” she tested his name on her tongue.

Her hand reached out and wiped away a rogue droplet of water. His skin was smooth and warm under her fingertip. “I am Koreena, but most call me KC or Kora.” A coy smile danced across her lips, letting her finger slip from his cheek.