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  1. #4

    EXP: 12,335, Level: 4
    Level completed: 67%, EXP required for next Level: 1,665
    Level completed: 67%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,665

    Alyssa Snow's Avatar


    Alyssa Snow
    Alyssa smiled in reply to her future company for the night. As much as she could, she kept to the tree line as the two made their way into town. The roads already turned to a sloppy mix of stone and mud. Where the wheels of wagons previously wore down grooves, two small brooks meandered from building to building. In the distance, just loud enough to hear over the strong gusts, the creak, groan and crash of a tree echoed. The sudden storm proved stronger than Alyssa had anticipated and that meant her stay would be longer than intended.

    When Alyssa arrived at the Inn, she reached for the door. The moment her fingers touched the cold bronze, it swung open to reveal the frame of a rather handsome yet pale gentleman.

    “I’m sorry,” she apologized. The man’s gaze unsettled her because he appeared to stare straight through her as if made of wet cloth. Which, after the time it took to get to shelter, she may as well have been. It was only until she noticed his gaze trace to her acquaintance did she connect the two.

    “Excuse me.” Alyssa slipped past him and stood off to the side where she removed the sopping shawl that afforded little protection from he storm. Some of the patrons in the in fell silent while she hung it on the hooks by the door. The reaction was one she had grown accustomed. She slung the large rifle from her back and propped it up by a table near the front window. It looked unlike any other black powder weapon available today. Even those adventurers that were fortunate enough to see a cartridge firearm often raised a brow in curiosity at her weapons.

    Alyssa took a seat, careful not to accidentally sit on the grip of the large, equally unusual pistol on her thigh or the blade strapped on the opposite side. As uncomfortable as they were to wear while sitting for long periods of time, this was an unfamiliar stop. In the world’s current state of disarray, it became increasingly difficult to let one’s guard down.

    As she was sure her guest was to arrive shortly, Alyssa flagged down a server and held up two fingers. With a nod, the cute waitress disappeared into the kitchen.
    Last edited by Alyssa Snow; 08-25-2019 at 05:54 PM.

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