This is a thinking man's game...

N'Jal will be a difficult opponent to defeat.
Nosdyn thought to himself. At that point, he saw the images, flashes of his lost friend, the Undead Priestess that gave him his will to live back. Slowly, Nosdyn undid the clasp of his cloak, set it gently on the ground and removed his leather vest, showing them his well-chiseled physique. He looked at them calmly, they saw it right away. The bite mark the Priestess left on his lower abdomen. He had nothing to hide from them. "I am offering you hope where N'Jal will only throw your lives away."

Whispers from the gathered Undead were audible as they looked at the injury, scarred, but healed. It would always mark his body.

The Priest spoke first. "H-how long have you had that?"

Nosdyn nodded. "It's been over five years." Nosdyn said calmly. They needed hope, a miracle.

One of The Priest's subordinates walked over to the leader. "My lord, he should have changed before then." She said.

The male Priest nodded. "This changes everything....there's a god damned cure."

The Male Priest walked right up to Nosdyn. "What do you offer?" He asked calmly.

As all such contracts went, Nosdyn answered simply. "Freedom."

More whispers from the gathered...

In one sudden moment the unexpected happened. The male priest knelt before Nosdyn. The rest of the followers and acolytes also knelt one by one.


Later that night, Illsandra stared remarkably at what she saw next.

Nosdyn emerged from the temple...and he was not alone. Easily fifty former followers of N'Jal had all been recruited to be Nosdyn's followers. Nosdyn walked with his companions towards Illsandra.

"'ve done it." Illsandra said carefully.

Nosdyn nodded. "it will be a slow road for them to recover but we can co-exist."

The male Priest walked over to the two of them. "How do you intend to free all of us?" He asked.

Nosdyn looked at The Undead. "Listen we'll work this out." Nosdyn nodded at that point. He looked at the gathered. "The blood of my people is strong, it always has been. Together we shall find a way."