That night...

" was one of the worst things I ever went through." Nosdyn said to her quietly, trying to explain to her the severity of the situation.

She nodded quietly to her husband, they were alone in their bedroom. "She opened up the injury again did she not?" Xyllea had been crying since he first vanished from The Academy grounds. "I...I'm so sorry about this." Xyllea said quietly.

"Because of our son, because of you. I want to be strong for both of you." Nosdyn said calmly. "Llukai might never understand why had to quit."

She nodded calmly. "It's for the best...if she's going to be at The Academy and try to intimidate you's probably for the best."

Nosdyn looked at his son, sleeping peacefully on his lap. "They used a Weapon I had no knowledge of." He told her that point.

Xyllea raised her eyebrow. "You mentioned something like that earlier...what sort of a Weapon?"

He explained it to the best of his capacity. "It was a relic or a device that could knock me out...not right away...but it would cause exceeding pain."

Xyllea was in thought. "That's...troubling." She said quietly.

"I actually thought so too. Such magics are usually N'Jals." Nosdyn said calmly. "But this particular kind...did not feel like something N'Jal's followers would use."

Xyllea nodded. "There are many mysteries in this world...but I will keep an eye out for researching pertaining to this weapon."

"Xyllea..." He said calmly. "I tried...really hard not to fight back." He had a sincere expression on his face.

She nodded calmly. "It must have been very difficult for you."

He nodded. "I remember the teachings of your people." That would have been the first time he'd called Dark Elf's "your people" instead of our people. "I didn't know what faction or group she was from...only that she had acted against me."

Xyllea noticed that interaction...what it meant. He'd been set back...the long healing and recovery process had been reset by this single, selfish woman. "You did the best you could." Xyllea was deeply concerned for her husband at that point. She would have to carefully observe him in the next few moons to see how far, that idiot, had in fact set him back...

Nosdyn kissed his son that night, and put him in the crib himself. He looked towards Xyllea. "Tomorrow...we have a promise to keep." He said calmly and slid into their bed with her.

But that worry was there in Xyllea's heart. Gods...what did that fucking woman do to him? She knew...Illsandra's sister had set him back...for gods knew how long.