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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Nosdyn and Xyllea went over to where Llukai and the other kids were being treated. Nosdyn had not been wrong about the initial severity of the injuries.

    Xyllea left Tharak with the other Acolytes, he would be well taken care of.

    Nosdyn felt guilty because of what happened, The Tribunal did this to hurt him. He placed his hand on Llukai's head. "Student. I'm sorry...this is my fault. They only hurt you because it would get to me." Nosdyn nodded to Llukai. "I swear to you...I will make them pay for this. Did they state where The Duel would take place?" Nosdyn asked.


    Nosdyn walked with Xyllea, his wife to the location of the Duel. Was actually the park where he initially began to train Llukai and his friends. Nosdyn was angry, he had not been that angry in a long time. Come at your enemy from the side. Nosdyn thought to himself. He prepared a single torch for himself. And removed his leather vest. His chosen weapon was at his side and his wife would assist, he was certain he would not need his weapon though. Steam trailed from the lit torch. Nosdyn had not been so angry in a long time. They'd hurt his loved ones to get him.

    Flashes in his mind...he recalled The Tribunal's order to him to make him kill his own Family, with his own hands. He'd been exiled as a result of those events, rage filled his heart by then, but also something else. Courage and strength, the courage and strength Illsandra and Xyllea had given him. He wore no upper body armor, revealing the proud symbols of House Krotar on his body. He did wear his cloak though. He raised the torch at that moment and roared...his challenge to The Tribunal. It was a primal scream, an almost animal-like thing.

    Xyllea had never seen her husband so angry before. It...excited her.

    After the roar, he threw the torch on the ground. (Translated from Haidian) "I Nosdyn, Son of Tharak am here. I have accepted your challenge, Tribunal cowards."

    At that point, a single combatant appeared. A Demon of The Tribunal, but one Nosdyn had no knowledge of. "We hurt your people." The Demon said in the common-tongue. "I see you brought for us, another victim." He eyed Xyllea.

    That...was all Nosdyn needed. Somehow, that sparked a greater rage than any he had ever known.


    Xyllea watched...her Husband took The Demon down with his own hands. He hit him, over and over, with all the hatred and rage he could muster. She was excited at that point as she watched him. Over and over...he hit the Demon. The man had died hours earlier but that did not stop her husband.

    He stood up at that point. He looked at Xyllea and nodded.

    Xyllea noticed it first. "Nosdyn!" And without thinking, she released The Psionic power at the second Demon that only just then came out of hiding. She released all of the fury she could muster at the coward who attacked her husband.

    Nosdyn looked back as the interloper died a moment later, overwhelmed by Xyllea's attack. He'd been impressed by her power in the past. Nosdyn had a fury in his eyes but also a lust for his wife there. He turned around once more. "Anyone else?!" Nosdyn yelled out into the night.

    Xyllea kept her eyes peeled at that point for anyone else. Just then someone did appear, but in front of Nosdyn this time...that one did not attack though.

    "Nosdyn, Son of Tharak..." The last one said with a profound respect for him. The last guy that appeared was clearly the leader of that party. "Your Father would have been proud." It was an elderly Demon that spoke at that point. He looked at Xyllea. "The Lady, is she your wife?" The Demon asked.

    Nosdyn nodded calmly.

    "You make a beautiful pairing. I will be returning back home, to The Tular Plains now. We will never bother you and your people again." The Demon said, and somehow Xyllea and Nosdyn knew the wise Demon spoke the truth.

    "Elder..." Nosdyn suddenly said. "Father sends his regards." At that point, there was no more malice in his voice. The Tribunal was defeated.

    The Elder nodded calmly. "Take this, Nosdyn. He would have wanted you to have it." He tossed Nosdyn a small container that held an object inside. "You fought like a Warrior-Poet and kept your clan's honour. You can be at peace now, Nosdyn Son of Tharak. When your son comes of age..he will have a throne waiting for him in The Tular Plains." At the point, The Elder gathered the two fallen Demons and they all faded away, likely heading back to The Tular Plains.

    The entire battle had taken hours. Nosdyn looked at Xyllea. "Thank you, Xyllea." He said to his wife casually.

    Xyllea nodded and walked over towards him, she could no longer contain her lust for him...she kissed him deeply right then and there.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-18-2019 at 05:32 PM.

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