The bitter lady was stomping with all due haste to the Inn now, and I smirked at her.

Morigan rolled onto his feet using the shear haft to help himself up, picked Williams sword, and pointed it at him, and asked “Do you yield” William nodded, and the asshole acknowledging a good fight then helped William to his feet, and I helped them get to the Inn. After setting William down, I sauntered over to the bitter want to be baroness, and said “I believe you owe me some money.”

Her face went red, and she screamed at her retainers “I want this man arrested!”

I was somewhat taken aback, as the bartender produced a falchion, and all manner of blades were drawn in my defence, and I asked “Arrest me for what?” crossing my arms “You don’t want to pay your debt to me, after trying to trap me?”

The bitter lady stammered “I..I...I don’t know what you’re talking about? But you! You, got me drunk, and tried to have his way with me last night!”

That was a harsh accusation, and it brought an absolute uproar. The bartender piped “Lady he was here all night, and your retainers had to carry your drunk ass home, every lord, lady, and peasant between here, and your high, and mighty manor all can vouch for this. Now you made a bet, you best honor it before it gets taken up with the Sheriff.”

Now a Sheriff is a noble position that is a mix bag of law enforcement, tax collection, conscription, and day to day administration of the realm he’s entrusted over, also military leadership.

The bitter lady palled, and turned to me “You have won this time, but I will, I swear to the four elements, I will ruin you!”

I was saddened at her attitude, and said “Lady Rebecca, take your loss for what it is, and don’t waste any more resources on me for some ill perceived slight”

The gentleman who had been conversational with me for the last few days spoke up “I would listen to him if I were you.”

The bitter lady turned absolutely scarlet “And who asked you?! If you speak up again I’ll have you flogged in the square!” She then stormed out of the Inn, and knives, daggers, and swords were all put away, and I walked away richer than I had ever been.

There were only two days left in the tournament, and the bitter want to be baroness, was turning into the scary bat shit insane lady. I stepped over to the gentleman, who once again was sitting at a nearby table, and asked “can I trust you.”

There was a glint in his eye, and he never answered yes, or no simply asked “how can I help you?”