Presents were not something Scarlet was used to. In fact, she couldn't recall a time where she ever received one her entire life. So to see the neat little box sitting at the foot of her bed, wrapped in pristine white paper and adorned with a deep forest green bow was somewhat of a shock to her. That is, if she were capable of feeling such emotions. Perhaps it was a mild surprise? Curiosity?

That thing was not supposed to be there.

The redheaded emotionless assassin glanced to and fro to see if her Master, Lichensith Ulroke was around. No... he wouldn't be... he was still away on business. So then why.... and who put this THING here?

Scarlet nudged it with her foot. It wriggled and moved about. "What the f-"

Her words were drowned out by an ear piercing screech, instinctively, Scarlet's ability activated, and six angry red snakes emerged from her back. Ethereal tendrils that crackled with a chaotic and dark energy. They lunged at the box, converging on it. The box, and whatever was in it, exploded in a bloody mess.

Blood and ichor splatted the bedsheets, the furs, the floor, and her face.


She didn't mean to make a mess.

Whatever it was, it was now nothing more than a stain. At least it wasn't screeching...probably because it was dead.

And Scarlet would be too if she didn't clean up after her faux paux.

Moral of the story? Don't give a red-headed, emotionally stunted woman a surprise pet.