She stayed with her mother and little brother for an hour or so more. People came and went. Philomel was made comfortable and breastfed her new child. As these things go it was not a smooth introduction, but instinct settled in between the little boy and his mother and they made the mammalian connection.

Celandine was more than happy to leave at that. Philomel sighed and allowed her to go as the majority of the room was cleared up by those who were paid to clean and tidy the house. Bedsheets were hurriedly cast away and a cloth with the afterbirth was sensibly disposed of. Out with all these linens Celandine left also, passing her father in the corridor who offered her a raised brow. She simply nodded and headed back out to the old horse.

Megladon comforted her. They sat together as the world began to celebrate and everything in their life changed. Celandine sighed, closing her eyes and imagining another life other than this, but knowing it would never be.

This was who she was. And this was who she would always be. One could not escape their family.

... Or could they?

It was then a plan began to form.