They lay in their bed in quiet for a while.

The hours of the night and day passing, they both felt the natural flow of time differently. He kisses the top of her head gently as they embrace. His breathing natural and relaxed in their embrace. He thinks of nothing at that point he simply just IS. A stark contrast to the demeanor he oft took on the field of battle itself as a warrior. As a veteran Demon. He thinks for a moment, he doesn't want to sleep he just wants to concentrate on embracing his woman. He'd slept for over a century against his will. As far as he was concerned, he'd slept enough. His hand massages her bare flesh gently as softly as his large hands were capable of doing. He has a content expression on his face.

He can hear her breathing. The flickering light of the lone candle that was lit in the chamber made the shadows dance. The chamber was fairly large sized chamber, but he didn't need a lot of room for his own belongings. But with his wife present at that point, he was glad there was sufficient room for them both at that point. He massages her belly gently.

"What are you thinking of my lord?" She asks.

He looks at her gently. "Actually not thinking of anything for a change. Just I want to be. If that makes sense. In your arms I can just be myself."