Drake looked down at the piece of paper in his hand as he sat at a table in the corner of a pub.

My Dearest Mr. Drake, it said in beautiful, formal handwriting with black sticky ink,

You are needed for an adventure. Your valuable skill sets and knowledge of not only the lands and flora of the world, but also of supernatural occurrences such as demons, angels, and superterrestreal and divine beings will be of great use to us on this quest.

Along the way, great feats of strength and tests of courage you will undergo; such demanding aspects will be required of you; however, I know that it is in your nature as a person to accept these demands as challenges. You are not one to stray or flee from a challenge.

Indeed there will be many demands- and sacrifices, you will have to make- however; it goes without saying that there will be many rewards as well. Fellowship, camaraderie, connections, adventure, treasure, and much more are all on the line, as well as retrieving a stolen birthright from a dear friend of ours.

Should you choose to accept the quest charged upon you, meet at the convergence point, The Rusty Wheel, in Eastern Radasanth on the eve of the Descending Summer’s conclusion, two days prior to the Ascending Winter’s solstice.

I do hope that all is well. Godspeed, and safe travels.


Gavner knew that Drake would not hesitate to accept the quest, and the young half-angel could sense that in the vampire’s tone, as he wished “Godspeed, and safe travels.” The truth was that Drake would do nearly anything for his friends- Gavner, Koli, and Black Shadow being the greatest of which. It broke Drake’s heart- he came to this city in a broke down ship. It had been nearly 4 months with no calls or charges for quests and now he was here, looking mildly attractive in a pub’s bar. He just couldn’t stop thinking of all the adventures he had gone on, and how he so dearly missed his friends. No, he couldn’t stop. Ever since the last adventures, he had been wandering- searching for something more. It seemed that all he had was his friends. All throughout his years in this world, he had been a wanderer, never knowing where to belong. He never had a place to call home, nor did he ever have a family. He had undergone a painful, lonely past, but yet he was not hardened at all. He was still the kind, soft, empathetic angel that he had always been. No, it was when he was with his friends that he felt at home. It was when he was with his friends that he felt he had a family. But his friends never had time for him, they were all such busy people. Who could blame them? Saving the world all the time, there would hardly be time for friends. Either way, Drake was still excited. He leaned forward and rubbed his palms in anticipation of another gathering- of another reunion with his family.