“But why do you have to go?” Kylie cried out as Leo was sorting out his various packs for travel.

“Because, There is not many capable people out there to deal with something like this.” He put down a pack on the shelf next to his adopted daughter. “Plus, I have a bad feeling about this, I don't trust anyone else to deal with this. If it is what the rumors say, then imagine if an enemy nation gets a hold of it and now we are under attack by demons?”

He sighed and turned to face Kylie, holding the sides of her face with his hands. “Sometimes, for the greater good one must make sacrifices, even if that sacrifice is a few weeks away from you.” With a quick sigh he grabbed the rest of his satchels and connected them to his belt loops.

“You are going to become one of them!” she cried out with tears starting to stream down her face. “I just found you, I don't want to lose you!”

“Hey, don’t worry, if you had a dream, it’s just a bad dream. I promise I will be back, and until then you will be staying with Miss Ruby okay?” At those final words Leoric did a quick glance around the tiny hovel they called home before he was off. He had passage to Radasanth acquired but once there he would have to find his way across the ocean.


It was busier than usual at the Radasanth docks this day, or at least busier than Leoric had ever seen them. In the chaos of trying to get to the port as quickly as possible, he had forgotten his coin purse, which now that he thought back, was placed next to Kylie. He would have to find a way on a ship for cheap or services rendered. He figured his best luck would be a small trade vessel, something that was already heading in that direction and one extra body wouldn’t be a problem. He was getting ready to start appraising the ships that were already docked when an old familiar voice called out to him.

“Leoric Blackwell, I thought you weren’t coming back to Radasanth if you could help it?” A sultry feminine voice called out from behind him.

“Well, then I guess I can't help it if I am here.” Leoric said as he turned on his heel and did a deep bow. “Madame Siloque, how are you on this fine day? And may I inquire as to why you are at the docks with the common riff-raff?”

“Oh, even after all these months you still remember your manners.” She mocked as Leoric looked up at her finally to see her attire. She was evidently getting ready for travel, she didn’t have on her obnoxiously large dress but instead wore a plain one, at least plain for her standards. It was a gorgeous red dress that was form fitting at the top and hung off her hips as she walked forward. “I am about to go for a little bit of a sail, nothing that would require your protection unfortunately. What about yourself?”

“Heading to Alerar, I am going to investigate the recent rumors. If you wish, I can grab a souvenir on my way back.”Leoric could not hold back the sneer as he tried to behave. He couldn’t deny she was a great lay, but everything beyond that was a real pain in the ass.

“That won’t be necessary darling, but I must be off, I have spent enough time chit-chatting with the riff-raff.” With that, herself and her two companions who were carrying her trunks of belongings left. Leoric sighed before heading to the docks where the common folk or smaller trade vessels would be tied up when he saw a most peculiar sight. From behind they would be a little unassuming if it wasn't for one of the figures being well over twice his own height. As he got close he heard a few keywords that peaked his interest. They were looking for passage, if they were heading the same direction as he, he may be able to acquire passage with them. Granted the vessel was smaller than what he was accustomed to for long sea travels, but from what he could see behind the giant hulk in front of him it would at least be comfortable.

“Well hello there, you wouldn’t happen to be looking for passage to Alerar would you? I need to be heading that way myself and wouldn't mind tagging along.”