
It all happened very quickly. Strangely, he didn't feel pain at that point But rather his thoughts had gone to that of an old ally. Sei Orlouge. While the old Hero had been looking for an Artifact of N'Jal origin, he stumbled across Lorenor in one of his past selves. One of many past selves, across the dimensions and alternate realities of Althanas. Seeing William Arcus perform that Orlouge technique put a smile on his face. He's grown strong since the last time... Lorenor's hammer-hand style attack completely missed it's mark when William struck him in point-blank range.

The Snapping Turtle technique met it's mark. Very few combatants could best a Orlouge technique of martial skill. Lorenor was knocked backwards and sent flying back several paces, tumbling and rolling like a rag doll. Like so much trash.

Yet despite that...the fucker smiled. Through all the pain he currently felt, he could not help but feel tremendous pleasure. Another set of memories passed through his mind and he recalled his only relationship with the Vampire named Urei. Lorenor saw the man's face for a moment in his mind, and it gave him strength to keep going. "That's an Orlouge technique. Fucker...wasn't expecting that shit." Lorenor managed to stand up at that point after that, driven by the strength of The Holy Light. At that point, the mad laughter returned. It had been a long time since the last time that Lorenor had truly been able to cut loose.

And let every ounce of frustrations, and a long list of failures erupt in his mind. So Lorenor allowed himself the pleasure of simply feeling pain. It was real, one of the truest of emotions. Pain was very close to love. "There is love, and emotion in your attacks. You've changed...William Arcus." It was oft said that you ever only knew someone when you FOUGHT them at with no holds barred. Lorenor respected the monster before him...he respected the man's strength. And before him, in the eyes of William Arcus...Lorenor had not seen something disgusting. No...he saw true beauty there. Lurking beyond the maddening rage. Lorenor began to walk forward and towards William. "Let us continue this dance." Lorenor said. "My old friend. Would you go back to a world...that shuns you and I? Loathes what we have become?"

"Let us show these foolish worshipers of Blood and War what it truly means to fight...and DIE on the mantles of blood." On the verge of death, Lorenor lost all pretense of sanity. One of his glowing blue eyes was blood-shot and enlarged. Bleeding black blood. His body was broken and in incredible amounts of pain. But still, the old Paladin had not stopped wanting to fight. He would never give in...not one ounce to the warrior before him...or ANY warrior. Lorenor was undeniably hurt. Several broken ribs, limping, one arm completely tattered and in ruins. Still. He stood, still he would fight. A fire burned in his undead heart. Just like William...Lorenor was ALSO a monster. And fight they WOULD...