After what felt likd an eternity...

A very long bad dream...a nightmare...

It was a long last over. The skilled healer DID something to Nosdyn at that point. Before he knew it, the essence of N'Jal was completely removed from his subconcious mind. For a long moment, Nosdyn breathed deeply. He was free from the grip of N'Jal. Nosdyn sighed with relief for a long moment. He nodded after Kalestiya completed her work. He had no knowledge of the healing arts. He DID know that Kalestiya had collapsed from severing N'Jal's connection to Nosdyn. Nosdyn did not think such things were possible.

The migraine headache melted away. Nosdyn blinked for a moment the effects of N'Jal leaving his body. Nosdyn stood up and picked up Kalestiya. He looked at his mate, Ealadra and nodded. "I am free." Nosdyn said calmly. The girl had saved him from a dark fate. He picked up Kalestiya and took her slowly to her room placing her on the bed. He sat down next to the bed in a single chair and watched her sleep.

Ealara readied food for them all.

Nosdyn watched the girl sleep protectively. She made a friend that day...