As Kalestiya gracefully entered the room, Nosdyn's enthusiastic welcome embraced her with warmth. She chuckled politely, acknowledging the hearty greeting.

"Here I am," she said with a warm smile, "your letter was well received, as my timely arrival has proven."

Nosdyn, visibly relieved and grateful, gestured for her to take a seat. The room, adorned with the comforting glow of the Ettermire-designed fireplace, enveloped them in flickering shadows.

Introductions followed as Nosdyn presented Cool to Kalestiya. "I am pleased to meet you, sir," she said politely, curtsying gracefully, "It is an honor to be able to meet a Thayne."

Cool acknowledged her with a nod, the play of shadows on his well-combed, dark blue hair adding an air of mystique. "The honor is mine, Lady Kalestiya.."

Attentively listening to Nosdyn's plan, Kalestiya pondered her role in the impending mission. Her gaze shifted between Nosdyn and Cool, thoughts weaving through the shared information.

N'Jal in the caverns, gathering power. Tomorrow's late eve...

"I'm here to assist in any way I can," Kalestiya spoke, her voice soft yet resolute. "While my abilities may not be suited for battle, healing and light may find their purpose in the shadows."

Nosdyn's eyes reflected gratitude.

Leaning forward, Cool fixed his piercing gaze on Kalestiya. "We've prepared a plan, and your role is essential. The Thayne relics will be at our disposal."

With a nod, Kalestiya accepted the responsibility settling on her shoulders. "I will do my best, for the sake of your people and for the light we aim to bring."