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    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Upon entering her room, Kalestiya gathered her herbalism and healing supplies from the table next to her bed. As she reached for her pouch, a searing pain suddenly shot through her stomach, causing her to drop her items on the floor. Gasping in pain, she clutched her midsection, staggering towards the bed. Kalestiya whimpered softly as she doubled over, trying to catch her breath. The pain was sharp and intense, making it difficult to focus on anything else. Slowly, the pain subsided, and she sat on the bed for a few minutes to compose herself. After a short while, the pain completely vanished and she was able to relax. She sat up slowly and retrieved her items from the floor, placing them in her pouch. She took a deep breath, and walked over to the mirror to check her reflection. Relieved to find that she didn't look as sick as she felt, Kalestiya decided it would be best to keep the episode hidden for now.

    Waiting outside the inn, Seran was casting admiring glances at every maiden who passed by. Kalestiya chuckled to herself and approached him. "Shall we get going?" she asked, motioning down the street. Seran nodded, falling into step beside her. "So, what's the plan?" Seran inquired as they strolled along the main road. "There's a market near the town center, and some interesting shops ahead," Kalestiya suggested, contemplating their options.

    Roaming through the lively market, the air was filled with a symphony of sounds and scents. Seran couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Kalestiya's eyes light up at the sight of vibrant blooms, ancient tomes, and bundles of fragrant herbs. "Seems like you've got a soft spot for flowers," he remarked with a teasing grin, nodding towards a colorful display of blossoms. The young healer blushed slightly, a sheepish smile gracing her lips.

    "I can't help it. There's something enchanting about them," she confessed, reaching out to touch the petals of a particularly vibrant bloom. Seran raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "And books too, I see," he observed, gesturing towards a nearby stall piled high with dusty volumes. Kalestiya's eyes sparkled with excitement as she perused the titles, her fingers trailing over the spines. "Books have always been a passion of mine," she admitted, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "There's so much knowledge to be found within their pages."

    As they continued their leisurely stroll, they passed a stall overflowing with aromatic herbs and spices. Seran couldn't help but notice Kalestiya's keen interest in the fragrant bundles, her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Seems like you're right at home here," he remarked with a chuckle, observing her enthusiasm. "I guess herbs really are your specialty, huh?"

    Kalestiya grinned, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "They are the bread and butter of my craft," she replied. "They have the power to heal, to comfort, and to transform..."

    Seran observed as the young healer eagerly purchased several bundles of herbs. As she paid for her purchases, he noticed a strained expression on her face. He watched as she slipped a handful of herbs into her pouch before turning to him with a smile. "Ready to keep exploring?" she asked brightly, attempting to conceal her discomfort. Seran decided not to bring it up, as she seemed happy and eager to continue their outing. "Alright, what's next?" he inquired, returning her smile. Kalestiya pondered for a moment, gazing around at their surroundings. "There's a tailor a few streets over. Maybe we could stop there and see what they have to offer?"
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-31-2024 at 04:51 PM.
    Profile - Kalestiya Brightheart

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