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  1. #9

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Philomel turned from the vision of glorious beauty and her eyes flickered up to meet those of the ageless human. Pausing for a moment her lips made an oval before they settled into a soft smile.

    He had immediately gotten onto the good side of the faun-whore. Complimenting her goddess was akin to bedding the fiery matriach without so much as an introduction.

    "What I know of Suravani," she said softly, "is little. I know only what Drys has told me."

    She lifted up a hand and swept away a stray loop of hair behind her ear. "I know she is a goddess of the desert realm Fallien, a place I and my ladies, my Lilies, have never set foot upon. She is a moon goddess, the main one of the people of the desert land and ... what, she has a being incarnate."

    For a moment she considered, then laughed gorgeously to the man before her.

    "I like the style of your goddess, the sister of mine. Her world is that of strong female leaders, and bold and wise words, much of that of Drys. Drys has told me of times when she and Suravani, in the young days of the earth, ran and played in the snows of the north and the sands of the south."

    Taking a moment from the conversation she turned, and reached up to pull a rolled pack from the back of her softly grazing tera'k.

    "I agree we should wait until morning. A good prayer or two would not help. And Veridian could do with some rest," she nodded to the fox-form creature, who had been sitting there the whole conversation, swishing his long tail and waiting for a chance to be noticed. When he was mentioned he aimed a swide, sharp-toothed grin at the two-legged (in comparison to two-hooved).

    He looked up to Philomel.

    Tell him I like his words and his jacket, he told her, and that any friend of Drys' is a friend of mine.

    Philomel rolled her eyes a little and muttered quickly to him, "you embarress me."

    Veridian chattered a foxy laughter.

    She sighed and looked back to Breaker. "He likes you."
    Last edited by Philomel; 05-30-2018 at 09:02 AM.

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