Vaeron just looked at the young man, both brows raised. If he could, were it not for the two dark scars across his cheeks, he would have smiled. Smirked, rather and perhaps even sneered at the obstinate red-head. For what it was, however, he only could stare, and grind his eyes into the skull of 'Nevin'. A man who said words like, 'hullabaloo,' and spoke of the town guard like it was worthless. Well, perhaps it was. After all they had not come to greet him and his small faun companion, despite the interference they were making. Vaeron blamed it entirely on the fact that Philomel had given Celandine the tera'k. The cow thing was honestly just a call for attention, not a real mount like a horse.

Of course the mage had never told Philomel of his opinion on tera'k's. It would never go down well. And even if he did manage to persuade her to stop riding the thing ... well she might just start riding Delath permanantly. And what a change that would make. For the worse.

Out of the corner of his eye Vaeron watched the large crow settle on one of Erik's massive horns. He ground his teeth together with unease and continued to glare.

"What is that any bother to you that I bring the girl here? I am providing your little town with some business. Is that not a good thing?"


Quickly looking over in reaction - and in doing so freaked people out again by yanking Megladon's reigns and making the mighty horse snort noisily - Vaeron found himself facing a brave Celandine. She had leaned over to prod the crow's feathers and was currently squeeing because the crow had - well, unsurprisingly - moved. Rolling his eyes Vaeron leant over and began flapping at the thing.

"Oh come on, get off. You are getting her over excited. Shoo."

"Nooo, he is nice," Celandine moaned, shoving his huge hand away with her two tiny ones. "I want a crow. Mum has a dragon. Why can't I have a crow?"

"You have a cow," Vaeron replied. Then he paused and looked at Nevin once more. "Where is the best blacksmith in town?"