A flash of doubt crossed over her angelic features, dooming thoughts clouded her mind for a moment. Inhaling deeply she closed her eyes, her hand trembled slightly as she reached for the ring. A pulling sensation came from within her chest as Leila gasped softly, each beat of her heart seemed to make the pulling sensation grow. A soft whimper left her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly picturing of the one place she never thought she would go back to.

“Xaliel,” she breathes out in one small whisper.

The room around them melts, slowly morphing into the outskirts of Hades. Standing on the concrete platform that is the only way in and out of Hell. She didn’t want to get to close in fear of being discovered, she was after all casted out of her own realm to live in Althana’s for the remainder of her extended life.

The place smelled of rotting flesh and death, Leila’s stomach flipped as she covered her mouth and nose, her hand shielding her from having to endure the horrid smell. The land was dead, cracked and crumbled from all the death that surrounded it. Dark clouds loomed over the realm with red streaks dancing in and out of the shadows. Glancing below she saw the lava that moved rapidly like a stream with a current. It was Theos way of keeping things hot in Hell, he found the cliche aspect amusing.

Glancing farther away Leila could see the boat that would take them to their desired destination. “Charon,” the small succubus sighed softly, a small sense of familiarity covering her. A strong hand laid softly on her hip made her jump, glancing over she had almost forgot that Breaker had come with her.
Nodding softly she pulled the hood of her cloak over her, hiding her lovely whiteish gold locks. A shadow was casted over her features hopefully aiding in the mission to keep her identity a mystery. It didn’t take long of the gondola to glide over nothing, it floated in thin air as the ferryman guided it with a smoothly along.

It approached the plate form, coming to a quick stop. “We seek passage,” said her prized fighter. The cloaked figured that almost matched the look of Leila held out his hand. He seeks payment… She thought quickly digging into her pockets before flicking two coins into his awaiting hand. Breaker steps aboard, turing he held out his hand to aid the succubus. Boarding the boat Charon pushed off, slowly but purposely they glided towards the large kingdom that even looked like it could fall at any moment.

As they approached closer Leila could hear the familiar screams of the pits, a large crater to the left side of them. Her entire body stiffened, her breath hitched in her chest. “What is it?” Josh’s soothing voice filled her ear. Nudging over towards the large hole filled with screams, some can faintly make out the lines of people waiting to be tortured, chained together. “When you are considered a traitor you spend many ions down there. It is where they torture not only the shell of you but your soul and each time you die or your soul gives out they bring you back to do it all over again.”