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  1. #5
    I'm Asking you Icely

    EXP: 33,893, Level: 7
    Level completed: 87%, EXP required for next Level: 1,107
    Level completed: 87%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,107

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    Ashla Rose Icebreaker
    Human/Elf Hybrid

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    A hood covered her head, a black cloak flowed as she wrapped it around her. Her pale face and black hair were elegant, yet her devoid expression was complex. On the slightest hint of trouble, she would bolt up from ger hiding place to rescue these... most of them were mere grunts, amateurs. Meanwhile, the young woman fought the bloodiest war in recent history, destroyed crime rings, and effortlessly murdered too many to count with a flick of a hand. Yes, while the elder with one arm obviously had years of experience, even their only half competent leader shunned him. The half-elf, hidden away, was not prideful, however. Not anymore. She was instead exhausted by the men's stupidity.

    Any time she could have lashed out. Any time, she could of used her ice based powers to inflict fear and submission onto them after they hurdled insults at her. She was tired, however. She decided to stay silent in their spitting. She simply had not the energy to pick up a meaningless fight with, dare say, partners today. Not on the brink of a mission. She wisely held her tongue and remained silent through it all. She would prove her skills when needed; yet as of now she was worn out from a life of conflict. It would have been just like Ayleth to put them in their places, but Ayleth was no more. Ashla had taken control again, and she was a mess.

    They obviously were just doing this for coin. Made sense, with them being as cheap and foul mouthed as they were. Ashla, however, was here for more personal reasons than money. It was an internal question, a curiosity. How could someone be imprisoned wrongfully? Was it their own misunderstanding and delusion of their world? Was the justice systen flawed? Just because someone killed in self defense, did it make the action right? Ashla was horrified by what Ayleth had done. In attempts to figure herself and her distorted view of the world out, she took this job.

    With a bunch of useless armatures.

    She was positive they would need her.

    Years had been spent boiling in rage, bathed in the blood of herself and others. The girl was weary. Sick and pained from her agony... Was her own moral compass jaded? Everything she had done wrong, was there validation in it? It would take releasing the prisoner inside the Dour Garrison to find out.

    Ashla waited. She waited for the moment they would need their "back up plan."

    She was just about done playing second fiddle over here.

    Elven ears perked, her mismatched blue and burgundy eyes watched from the well hidden corner. Her hand slipped beneath her cloak, gripping the hilt of a sword.

    She waited, vigilant and poised.
    Last edited by Ashla; 12-18-2017 at 11:25 PM.

    "I did what I had to do! Nobody was taking care of these murderers, slavers, robbers! The Rangers weren’t! The Bladesingers weren’t! Somebody had to do something! So I did. And I will extract justice onto every criminal in the world until there is only the good guys. I tried using mercy and compassion. Those don’t work. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I will take every measure necessary to save the world.” ~ Ashla Icebreaker.

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