It has been a few days since Ven came Radasanth, a few days since he came into contact with the enigma know as Eteri. It's been a few days since they had their little adventure together, and a few days which felt like a lifetime ago.

After the catnip wore off and Eteri managed to get even more money out of him, the pair eventually parted ways. Since then, he hasn't seen hide or tail of her. Understandable for it was a big city, but he couldn’t help keep an eye out fo his blue friend.

However, Ven wasn't one to stay in one area forever. It was in his blood to seek out excitement, and his itch for it was comming back. He had to find something, anything, to alleviate his desire.

He needed action, adventure, the feel of adrenaline pumping through his vein! He needed...


That old bastard always had something to do if one was willing to risk their neck. For you see, Archie was a dealer in antiques. Specifically, of exotic and dangerous antiques. His store was just a beautiful front for his dealings, for his operation was hiding in plain sight. A antique shop running an illegal antique business in the background? Absolutely brilliant!

Plus, the trip would not be wasted on the off chance there was no job available. After all, he did need to have a few words with him anyway.