Nevin watched as she placed the pot of the potion on top of the cooler. He didn't know what she was thinking about - but it was obviously affecting her, as her hands began trembling and shaking. He stepped up and squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. "Hey. Felicity, listen - You will be okay, I promise you. Once we have a handle on how your power is affecting you, we can work to blunt the worst of its negative effects on your body. And - well. There is always someone willing to talk with you if you need someone to listen." He gave her a crooked grin, then moved to check the potion. It looked like it was cooling properly, turning into a thicker, almost syrupy fluid. He removed it from the cooler and set it down, then began ladling some into a cup. He pushed the cup towards the girl, then began moving the rest into some vials that he had arranged.

"Go on then, for now drink that. You might feel lethargic at first - but it should not be as bad as the calming draught did to you earlier." He leaned back and frowned, drumming his fingers on his desk as he watched her. This would be an interesting test - how much of a dependence did her body have on the stress hormones? If they'd been flooding her regularly, her body may have adjusted to having a consistent flow of them coming in. He'd have to make sure to keep an eye on her and make sure the medication didn't affect her too harshly. He was also still wondering about this reaction that was happening inside of her - but solving that would come after they had gotten her physical effects handled - he was seriously concerned for her after seeing how much her blood had been affected by the hormones shooting through her.

He cleared his throat as she drank, ignoring the expression on her face about the taste. "Now then, to test this, we will probably head outside and give you a cut, then see if that works. I don't know how long the serum will shield you from the hormones, but it should be good for at least an hour or so. So, let's head outside and we will start testing." He headed up the ladder, leading the way out of the shop. Up on the surface level, he paused as he saw that there were people standing somewhat awkwardly in the main area of his shop - miners, looking rather disheveled and one of them had his arm bound up, blood slowly spreading across the wrappings.

"Oi, ye the alchemist, aye?" Nevin nodded as he cautiously approached the front, his hand dropping down to rest on his whip in case these men tried something. "Thank the Thaynes, we was afraid ye was out. Look, ye're the magicy man round here we trust. We need help - we was mining, and somethin' in the mines didn't like it. WOke up and started hurtin' folks, like Fren here." The spokeman gestured to the injured man. "We was hopin' that - that ye could coom and help us out? The foreman, he ain't - well. He ain't goin' ta let us stop just for this, and we're afraid, we're right afraid." Crimson flow, this was terrible timing. With Felicity needing help he couldn't just run off and leave her - but these people clearly needed immediate help as well, if something they had 'woken up' was attacking.