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  1. #1

    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
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    Leoric's Avatar


    Leoric Blackwell

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    As Felicity gripped his hand with her hand all the swinging saviour could feel was pride in a successful defense, he didn’t get hurt, Seamus wasn’t too hurt, and the only wound seemed to be a slight cut across Felicity’s hand, he looked up and timed his swing so he could release his M.A.D. at the peak of a swing only to fire it off towards their ship and grab on so they could get away.

    “Well I guess now they are more like drowned rats then sewer rats now.” he said as they continued their controlled descent towards their ship.

    The grip holding them together was slipping and Leoric couldn't do much to strengthen it, his right arm was already at its limit trying to pull both him and her to their ship, and the left one had gone a little numb from the cold. It seemed Felicity had already realized this and did one heck of a one armed muscle up and wrapped her other arm across him and held onto him as they swung.

    Leorics mind went blank, first, she was very intimately wrapped around him as they swung through the air, and secondly, it BURNED, wherever her blood touched burned more then sticking his penis in a caused such a lapse in concentration that his M.A.D. released itself from their ship and they began to plummet straight for their ship at a high speed. Leoric reached back out with his hand to try and hook on to something, anything, but the only thought that entered his mind was

    ‘at this speed if i hook onto anything i am most likely going to get my arm torn off and we would still crash onto the ship.’ Instead he quickly wrapped his left arm around her waist, his right around her back and braced her head with his right hand and turned them so he would hit the ground first. He wasn’t sure why, she seemed like she could handle a bit of pain, but having her accuse him of purposely injuring her wouldnt sit well with him. After a few seconds that felt like minutes there was a sudden impact onto deck with the sound of splintering wood, shocks of surprise, and what Leoric could hear, splitting flesh as something entered his back with ease.

    After a few seconds the battered and bruised brawler opened his eyes and Felicity had her hand out offering to help him up. He tried to reach her hand but could barely move it as he felt intense amounts of pain in his back as his muscles moved. With a grunt of effort he managed to grab her hand and she tried to pull him to his feet, instead he only got to a sitting position and began to lose his balance. If Felicity wasn’t there to grab him he probably would have fallen over again.

    “Oh Shit! Leoric! Your back! You landed on the harpoon in the boat!” Seamus called out as he ran over and moved the harpoon to the side so that if Leoric fell back again he wouldn’t fall back on it. “Thankfully it looks like it was the side of the harpoon and not the tip.”

    Leoric chuckled to himself softly and shook his head. “Captain! I am going to need double pay for pain and suffering!”

    The captain chuckled to himself and pulled out his ledger and marked some things down. Before nodding in his direction. After what felt like ages he was finally helped to his feet and brought below deck to a table where he was laid down on his stomach and Felicity and a few other sailors helped clean and patch up his back. This is where the severity of the placement of the injurity was shown, it could have easily damaged his spine with how close it was and the angle it entered his back. But thankfully because he was able to be on his feet with help, they didn't think there would be too much trouble. He was helped to a hammock where the Captain gave him strict orders to rest until they needed him again. It wouldn't do the captain any good if they got attacked again and Leoric was unable to defend the ship. With that leoric turned to face Felicity and as everyone else left and he was left alone with her he turned back to the face the deck above him.

    “You know, Your hair reminds me of when I was a little kid, helping my mom pick oranges in the forest. when life was simple, easy, and I actually felt something.”

  2. #2
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    Felicity was alone with Leoric for the first time since yesterday's training now. So much had happened since. The entire time Leoric's wounds were being tended to, Felicity had used her alchemist and medical skills to the best of her abilities. Ordering the doctors to run a salve in the best they would. Felicity was shocked that she cared so much for Leoric that she felt guilty for his injury. Then again, she felt guilty for anything. Still, as they stood alone, Felicity had been confused once again. Felicity grimaced as a memory stood out.

    "Captain! I am going to need double pay for pain and suffering!”

    Oh right, Leoric was still a jerk. The ship's boards moaned and echoed as the boat sailed onwards. Felicity looked down at her hands. She had quickly wrapped her cut hand in a thin bandage, but the drying blood represented her own lack of innocence. Had she really sentenced all those people to death in her recklessness? She had meant to stop the cannons, not drown the ship! Shaking her head, she took a step towards the door.

    “You know, Your hair reminds me of when I was a little kid, helping my mom pick oranges in the forest."

    She stopped as Leoric serenaded to her, "When life was simple, easy, and I actually felt something.”

    Felicity turned to Leoric in shock. Her body temperature shot upwards as she stared at Leoric with wide, confused eyes. Had he just... complimented her? Physically? She reached up and touched her hair. Her hair had not been washed yet today, and the natural flatness of her hair was already causing the curling to lose its bounce. She grasped her hair and looked down at the man in the hammock. This man made her ask so many questions.

    "Well-" Felicity blurted out, flustered, "It's not naturally curly! It's usually flat! So it's not that nice-..."

    “Well I guess now they are more like drowned rats then sewer rats now.”

    Felicity lowered her hand, cheeks still burning but from the conflicting anger. She stood across from him like a stone. He laid in that hammock; his tall and muscular body complimenting it perfectly as he casually leaned in it. Felicity was surprised he did not have that insufferable smirk on his face.

    "I don't get you." Felicity finally muttered, staring into his ice blue eyes. "I just don't get you."

    Felicity's fists tightened, she took a step forward. "You just extorted a crew of people for extra money! And those pirates could easily die. Die! How could you make fun of it like that!"

    Felicity threw her arm as she took another step forward. The floorboards echoed under her. "You do nothing but antagonize me! You lure me in with promises of training, then you say something so stupid and hurtful! Do you have any idea why I only have four fingers on my left hand! And now you're complimenting me!"

    Felicity gritted her teeth, tearing up in disbelief, "Why are you so..."

    She failed to find the correct words to describe him.
    Last edited by Flamebird; 03-14-2021 at 04:00 AM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  3. #3

    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 1,359
    Level completed: 73%,
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    Leoric's Avatar


    Leoric Blackwell

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    “Heartless?” Leoric finished as he turned to face her again. “When the world turns its back on you, just because you exist, you learn not to give a damn about that world.”

    Felicity crosses her arms, "Actually, the world hates me for existing too. But I don't see myself extorting people. Try again."

    "Oh really? there is a bounty on my head to be brought back dead to my father, My mother and her husband have no idea or do they care that i am alive. I can't go back to the kingdom I was born in without being tortured or murdered on sight. and to top it all off, the only person i ever cared for is dead. not a soul cares about me, so i don't care about any other soul. I do what is good for me, or whatever sounds like fun." Leoric tried to get up but let out a pained grunt as his back protested against the movement.

    Felicity looked down for a moment, in deep thought, then looked up. "I came from a country with two warring races. I was conceived in a violent assault in one of those wars. I'm an abomination, a hybrid who never should have existed."

    She raised her left hand. "I've been brutally treated since I was a kid. My uncle couldn't protect me all the time, when I was three I was attacked in my own yard and lost my left pinky. I've had stones thrown at me, people with pickaxes and torches lined up at my house and demanded I be sent out to be tortured and killed. I was a child."

    Felicity clearly shuddered, starting to hug herself, "I couldn't escape the scorn even when I moved to Corone. The last time I saw my uncle alive, we had been in disagreement. I learned over a year after our fights that he died from a stroke. My cousin was murdered in front of me."

    Felicity carried a look of twisted anger and shame, "Every time I make a connection with someone, they die or leave me. Every time I actually make an effort, it's dashed. The reason I'm in Salvar right now is because I'm a failure who couldn't protect my current home."

    Her fists tightened, teeth gritted, "Fate itself seems to hate me. Want to talk about being hated and abandoned by the world? I've spent my entire life learning to hate myself alongside it."

    "And yet, you try to play the hero, you said it yourself you are a failure, why bother being a hero when you can just take a few jobs whenever you please to make the money to live and do your own thing? do what is fun! life is too short to get hurt for strangers." Leoric shrugged and tried his best to look around him without moving his back. "Where's my booze? i thought i had some left around here"

    Felicity raised her hand, taking a step forward. She was ready to strike him, obviously. "Because I'll be damned if I become what they are! I refuse to become a self serving monster, then they were right! They win!"

    Felicity tightened her fists again, body ramped up and energized by passion. "No! I'm going to make sure nobody has to go through what I did! I'll be the one kind soul who made a difference in someone's life. When I fail, I try again! I refuse to let them win!"

    "Except, you decided to help this crew and myself in the fight, now look at me, i am injured beyond belief because of you. if that is what 'being a good person' means, then fuck that, i can protect people without getting those who stand with me hurt." He turned back to face her, his usual cocky smirk gone and instead a very serious look upon her. "You want to protect people, yet how many did you just kill? or how many did you leave to die in the frozen waters? how many of them had families? friends? that will now hate you cause of what you did?"

    Felicity lowered her body, trying to calm her movements. "And I'll rise from nothing. I'll become somebody. No one will hate me when I'm the hero who saved the day. They'll finally respect me."

    Felicity flinched, as if struck with too many arrows. She raised her arm as if defending from a physical strike. "I know! I know I make mistakes, I know I can be a failure already! I'm sorry already! I don't mean to hurt people, I swear!"

    Tears flooded her eyes, "I didn't mean to destroy the ship. I didn't think the explosion would be that bad..." She looked down at her wounded hand again, "And I'm sorry I can't control my powers. I never can... Because my blood literally boils, you're here."

    "Really? if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have crashed onto our own ship, impaling my back and making me unable to do anything, not to mention whatever rash or scar i am going to get from having you splash your damn blood all over my face." Leoric accused as he gingerly touched his face and seethed in pain. "Why would you blow up the cannon deck? to disable the cannons just close their hatches and seal them shut, and then we just have to disable or slow down the ship, which could have been accomplished by disabling the rudder chain, or shredding their sails. I thought you could handle an easy task to save lives. but i know now that you can't"

    Felicity lashed out, tears falling from her eyes, "I was always taught the violent solution! My old mentor would have approved! I don't know anything else!"

    Unable to deal with the guilt, she had tried to deflect. It still left her feeling that horrible shame. She grasped her hand, "I get it. You hate me. The world hates me. I..."

    As her tears pounded on the floor like heavy rain, she turned and reached for the door.

    "If i hated you, I wouldn't have begun to train you, I wouldn't have brought you over to the other ship with me. I know you have the potential to be great, to be everything I can't be. but you are failing, and it is very disappointing. If you want to do everything you can to save people, then save everyone, not just those on 'your side'" he sighed and turned away from her

    "My mother was the King's main maid, out of fear of saying no to him she agreed to sleep with him. however when she found out she was pregnant she hesitantly told my father, and he ordered her execution. my step father, the captain of the guard couldn't murder someone just for being pregnant, so he ran away with her. he saved my life and my mothers. However the king eventually tracked them down, and instead of staying with my family for whatever was coming our way... I ran away, I was a coward. it was that day that I decided I would never be a coward, that no matter what comes my way i will deal with it, with a smile on my face."

    "Of course I'm failing." Felicity mumbled, "Of course I'm a disappointment. Always have been."

    Her hand was frozen inches from the door. Tears still fell, "The one who took me in said he didn't recruit losers. Then why did he recruit me?"

    Still gazing at the door nob, she winced. "But I can't stay like that. Then they were right, they win."

    Felicity turned to Leoric with a pained, infuriated look, "Good luck not being a coward. You're being brave alone with that attitude on life. Take it from one of the loneliest people in the world, it's a wretched path."

    She opened the door with a sudden, loud crack.

    "see you when you wake up from your nightmares for more training" Leoric sighed as he sunk into his hammock to get as much rest as he could.
    Last edited by Leoric; 03-14-2021 at 08:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    Tears slipped down her face as she ran across the ship. The red sun bathed sky seemed symbolic of the blood Felicity had spilled. Leoric was right, she had failed today. She wanted to be a hero. She wanted to be adored and respected so she would never be shunned again. She genuinely wanted to help people. She hated the idea of anyone suffering what she had. Yet, she had failed today. She had failed at everything.

    The wind swirled around her as she slowly walked the edge of the ship. Her hair, the hair Leoric had just complimented, flung into her face. She leaned against the ship's side, wincing at the pain in her cut hand. She lifted her hand for a moment, then gritted her teeth.

    I deserve it.

    She slammed her hand against the side of the ship with a hiss. She leaned against the ship, gazing out into the pale blue sea. Icebergs floated like ships in a bay. A herd of some kind of underwater animal swam beneath the frothy waves. She had just sentenced an entire crew to die beneath those waves. She thought of Shinsou. She thought of Whitevale. Had she failed to protect them too?

    She heard footsteps creak the floorboards, announcing someone's presence.

    "Can you leave a girl to her misery?" Felicity mumbled without looking at the figure.

    "Thank you for helping us today."

    It was the captain. Felicity could not say you're welcome. The images of the drowning ship kept flashing before her eyes.

    "We don't have the money to pay you." Felicity turned to see the captain reaching into a bag, "The least I can do is give you this."

    He pulled out a genuine, authentic, M.A.D.

    Felicity turned to him, shaking her good hand, "I-I don't des-need your thanks, captain."

    "Nonsense." The captain stepped closer. He attached the maneuvering device to Felicity's wrist. It was comfortable and light for such an advanced piece of equipment. The captain flashed her the smile of a gentle, caring old man. "This is yours now."

    Then, he walked away.


    Once again, the days rolled on. Once again, Felicity's struggles intensified. Leoric spent the days swinging on a hammock above deck, training his magical abilities. He would shoot gusts of wind into the sails, laughing when the wind caused his hammock to swing. Felicity would roll her eyes and resume her unarmed training. It was hard training in her normal, heavier clothes. Yet, she was not willing to let Leoric, or anyone, get a peak. As Felicity would swing another roundhouse kick, Leoric would call from the hammock, "You swung too wide! If you leave yourself open like that, you'll be taken down faster than Seamus was!"

    "Hey!" Seamus would call from the rope he was pulling.

    Felicity danced with her mixing guilt and stubbornness. "Can't handle an easy task!" She performed rapid successions of punches, followed by a would be grapple, "I'll show him!"

    Felicity soon enough was helping around the ship to get her mind off of, well, everything. She carried a massive stack of heavy crates across the deck. Seamus dropped the cup he was holding, and his jaw, upon witnessing her insane strength.

    "Doesn’t that hurt your hand, lass?" The captain called to her from the helm.

    "Nope!" Felicity called, finishing stacking the crates as she tried not to wince from the stinging of her cut.

    The weather steadily grew warmer. Icebergs disappeared. Felicity really struggled to train in her normal clothes now. Still, sweating and panting, she completed a karate kata. Leoric sipped rum from his hammock, watching. Felicity felt goosebumps ripple in the back of her neck when she turned to see his eyes narrowed with a smirk on his face.

    She scowled, "So, does the kata meet your standards?"

    Leoric's smirk grew, "Absolutely."

    "I meant the martial arts, you idiot!" She burned beet red.

    Felicity could not escape him. Not even while he was confined to his hammock. As guilty as she felt for his injury, she felt a sense of dread when he started walking again. He leaned on a crude crutch as she practiced her M.A.D. She was actually having fun, laughing as she swung from one beam to another. Then, she saw Leoric staring at her. She gasped, losing her balance and falling into the crow's nest like a fish tossed into a barrel.

    The evenings were soon spent above deck, eating fish and drinking booze. Well, Felicity was not a drinker, she just drank water. Leoric sat across from her one night and kept gazing at her. She looked up to see him staring into her eyes.

    "With those beautiful emerald eyes of yours, if I stare into them for too long I feel like I am in a verdant oasis." He chuckled, taking another bite as he stared into her eyes, "And they are my favorite shade of green as well."

    "Your eyes, green like some sort of weird poison! No one else looks like that!"

    Felicity nearly dropped her fork in confusion. Had Leoric just called her eyes... beautiful? Leoric of all people! Felicity's cheeks flushed as he continued to peer into her eyes. Felicity was strangely captivated by his own icy blue eyes.

    Then, she blinked rapidly, snapping herself out of that daze. She stood up. She had no need to eat anyways, why was she here? "I'm not hungry."

    As she darted away from the table, she heard so many voices. Leoric's, the Eiskaltian girl's, her own self loathing's... She covered her ears, trying to drown them all out.

    One day, Felicity walked above deck. It was a crisp morning with a yellow sun. The waves were cascading against the ship in a serenade. Felicity stretched, wearing a white shirt and black pants. Her muscles rippled as she raised her arms. She closed her eyes, feeling the cool wind. She could not tell how, but something felt different. The sound of boots on the floorboards alerted her that someone else had come. She opened her eyes, then turned to see...

    "Oh. It's you."

    His long, messy black hair. His golden skin, tall and strong figure. That cocky look in his eyes, that agitating smirk on his face. The way he carried himself with overconfidence larger than a dragon. Leoric Blackwell. His back had completely recovered. He was now standing as if he had never suffered that injury in the first place.

    As much as he annoyed her, Felicity was relieved that he suffered no infections and made a full recovery. After all, it had been her fault he was wounded in the first place. With that in mind, she took a step forward. Perhaps, she should apologize again.


    "-Land ho!" Seamus called from the crow's nest.
    Last edited by Flamebird; 03-14-2021 at 07:57 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  5. #5

    EXP: 12,641, Level: 4
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 1,359
    Level completed: 73%,
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    Leoric's Avatar


    Leoric Blackwell

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    “-Land ho!” Seamus cried out from the crow’s nest. Leoric turned away from Felicity and walked to the forward deck spotting the familiar landmass on the horizon. There were some light footfalls behind him as the every familiar voice spoke out.

    “Welcome Home Mister Blackwell, you did get what you went for right? We don’t have to worry about going back any time soon?”

    “I may have to head back to tie up a loose end, but the church will be looking for me, I am impressed they never sent a ship or two after us, Or if they did it never caught up.” Leoric turned around and flashed his cocky grin at the captain.

    “You are telling me, we could have been hunted by the church the entire time, and you never warned us?” The captain's face was twisted with shock and anger at the danger he had put them in.

    “If i had told you, would it have changed anything? Besides, the loose end bought us enough time to get away.” Leoric offered out his hand to shake the captains. “Besides, i will leave you two bottles of Amber Glow. Should be enough as payment for that surprise.”

    “Fair enough, you did save us from what came after us anyways. So i will accept the bottles as payment.” The captain shook the hired muscles hand as they continued on their voyage.

    “Seamus, mind prepping my stuff for disembarkment first? I have a long day once we make landfall and I would like to get underway as soon as I can.” Leoric yelled up to Seamus.

    “Yeah i can do that. Where are you heading once you are no longer with us?” Seamus asked as he lowered himself down and landed in front of Leoric.

    “New brookeshaven, that’s my home, so if you ever need a break from sailing or want to learn how to actually fight, come look for me there.” as both men shook hands the captain walked away and came back with two pouches of gold and held them forward for Leoric. The Hired muscle grabbed one and hooked it to his belt before looking back at the captain. “Give Felicity that pouch, I was joking about double pay. This M.A.D. and the already agreed upon amount will do me quite nicely.”

    “Are you sure? We have enough room in the budget to pay you your double price, which was already pretty small as it was.” the captain asked as he cocked an inquisitive eyebrow.

    “Yeah i am sure, i just need my stuff, and to get off this boat so i can deliver the goods as quickly as possible. It’s already going to be a long ass day as it is for shopping.” Leoric smiled and walked away, after a few seconds he shot himself up to the crows nest and silently watched the ship pull into the harbor and expertly dock itself. Among the hustle and bustle of a new ship arriving, Leoric noticed the carts with horses for sale and rent on prominent display. He lowered himself from the ship and walked over to the man and after a few quick words Leoric pulled out the requested coin and brought the cart over next to the ship. It didn't take long before his two large crates were lowered into the cart. He walked over and said his farewells to the captain and any crew that were topside before walking back down to his cart and slowly set off into town.

  6. #6
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    Felicity was home.

    After growing up in Eiskalt, Felicity's uncle and cousin had whisked her away to Corone. Felicity had lived near Underwood until she was fourteen. The girl dashed to the edge of the ship, peering out to the green landscape dotted with trees. A deep smile grew on her face, excitement exploding in her chest. Within Corone, Whitevale and Shinsou Vaan Osiris were waiting for her. Her goal was nearly a reality now. It was August, and the summer air was quite the change compared to Salvar's bitter cold. Felicity usually loathed hot weather, but right now? Right now, she closed her eyes and soaked in the summer rays.

    Only after several long moments did she remember that she had wanted to apologize to Leoric again.

    Felicity spun around, trying to find Leoric in the chaos. Unfortunately and fortunately both, he could not be seen. Felicity sighed. She had looked forward so much to leaving this ship and Leoric behind. She had yearned for nothing more than to be the first one off this boat, never to see Leoric again. Yet, a strange sense of grief flooded her. Was she seriously going to miss this jerk once she left? She lifted her hand to her head. Giving her head a firm shake, she struggled to get her thoughts in order.

    "Felicity Rhyolite."

    Felicity stopped and turned to see the captain approaching her. Felicity instantly teared up. Well, the captain was probably one of the only people on this ship she truly liked. Now, they were parting ways.

    "I'm going to miss you, capt'n." Felicity already was trying to wipe her tears.

    The captain smiled, "It has been a pleasure carrying you. Whenever you need another ride, try to see if we can take you again."

    Felicity smiled, "Thank you, capt'n. I appreciate it."

    The captain reached into his pocket, "Oh, and one more thing."

    Felicity was shocked when he produced a pouch of coin. "Blackwell said he had been joking about that double pay. Since I already had it ready though, he told me to give it to you."


    Leoric Blackwell had not only reverted to his original pay, but had money offered to Felicity? Felicity's hand shook as she half extended it towards the coin, "I can't take this..."

    "Don't pretend you're not pleasantly surprised." The captain chuckled and placed the coin purse in her hand. It had healed from the cut a long time ago. The captain closed her hand around the patch and smiled, "Where are you headed after you leave us?"

    With zero hesitation, Felicity responded. "Whitevale. My hometown. All I've ever wanted was to return there."

    The captain nodded, "Makes sense. Need any help with your possessions?"

    Felicity shook her head, "Thank you, capt'n. But I can handle it."

    The captain extended his hand to shake her's. Felicity took his hand and they exchanged a firm handshake.

    Soon enough, Felicity was packing her stuff. Felicity was not going to miss this tiny room. Although, she strangely felt that she would be missing training with Leoric in the morning. She gritted her teeth. Was she seriously going to miss Leoric? Leoric! She was so sure she never wanted to see him again before today struck. Now, she would have to say goodbye. Finishing strapping her weapons on, Felicity resolved to apologize to him one more time. Perhaps, her consciousness simply needed cleared. Flinging her bags over her shoulder, she turned and left the below deck behind once and for all.

    "Bye, Seamus!" Felicity called to the strange man as she came above deck again. Seamus looked up from his current task and smiled, "I'll miss you, Felicity."

    Felicity beamed, "You said my name!"

    Seamus chuckled and returned to his tasks.

    Felicity turned and walked towards the ramp of the now docked shop. Checking herself over one more time, she stopped at the top of the ramp.

    She turned back to the ship and looked at it one more time. Felicity was strangely going to miss this crew. She even would miss Leoric. She had grown to... tolerate... Leoric Blackwell. Thinking of him, Felicity was unable to spot him in ship's chaos. Had he already left?

    Felicity sighed. No closure, once again. It was strange, but she could relate to him. He and she both were unfortunate mistakes, growing up trying to find their ways. Their answers were different, obviously. Yet, they came from the same place. Felicity shook her head. He had so much potential, but only lived for himself.

    Oh, like you? Felicity's inner critic berated her, You play hero, but he was right. You're only a failure.

    Felicity squeezed the strap of one of her bags. She gritted her teeth, turning towards the docks. "Not today. Today, I'm one step closer to home. I won't be a failure to anybody once I save them all."

    With boldness in her stride, Felicity walked down the ramp. She entered Corone, determined that she would not look back.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  7. #7
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    Done. Submitted for judgement.

    Requesting spoils:
    Leoric and Flamebird each receive one M.A.D. "M.A.D.s are mobility assistance devices. They have a dart that can be fired off with a telepathic command and it connects to the first non living thing it connects to. And it stays connected as long as the user stays focused. It can also pull up to 350 pounds either to the user or the user to the connection. If the weight is exceeded the mad sparks and fizzles and cant be used for an hour afterwards."
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  8. #8
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    All rewards added.

  9. #9
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Flamebird receives 2,301 EXP, with her thread GP of 182 deducted for spoils.

    Leoric receives 1,456 EXP, with his thread GP of 168 deducted for spoils.


    The tier of your MAD spoil was not determined, so I have set the material as steel and calculated its price based on masterwork steel with a mid-level enchantment. The spoil's price works out at 600 GP each, so I have deducted the following from your GP accounts:

    Flamebird: 600 GP - 182 GP = 418 GP

    Leoric: 600 GP - 168 GP = 432 GP

    Spoil approved.

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