Commentary and results


Use of topic:
You used this prompt really well to promote your background and the experiences of your character. It showed simply the process from kind and naïve to darker hearted, with stereotypes such as necromancy involved. You had good development, although in general I would have liked to see more detail and perhaps one or two more individually described scenes.
You told this like a fairy tale, beginning and ending it with good word choice. You used the vignette genre a little differently to tell a wider story, and though this might be unusual and stretch the genre a little it was effective for what you had.
You make good use of long and short sentences, as well as single word paragraphs for emphasis. You have a good hold of basic punctuation, with a couple of areas where more commas might have helped.
This was a really good story that had an unusual take on the genre. It was a little hard to follow at times, but had good plot.


Use of topic:
Through use of inner thought you show a good development of consideration of the topic and the change in your character. You explore the subject in a powerful way that has strength and order to it, though it can get a little confusing.
You have a really great opening that captures the reader's attention, and it made the subject more interesting. Your single scene description and setting works well for the genre and fits both the dreamlike essence of the piece and the plot.
The change of italics, bold and normal font in the middle of paragraphs and overuse of elipses it is a little jarring. Try to stick to moments of emphasis, such as just thought and tension. There is also a couple of moments you slip between third and first person in the main context of the story. Overall though you have a good hold of punctuation and paragraphing.
I really liked your scene-shot of life that worked extremely well. You set yourself a little bit of a challenge and showed great potential.

Black Shadow

Use of topic:
You have a good reversal of alignment, shown even more obviously with the fact he can talk: the opposite of his defining trait. The scene and plot is chaotic and bloody and answers the prompt very clearly and concisely.
The dark Shadow you have here is almost terrifying and fits the tropes of an evil/chaotic character well, with blood thirstiness and cruelty. It could have been good to see some other changes, such as if he has different powers or wears a different outfit.
There are a fair few errors in here, including a messy sentence at the beginning of the third last sentence. A read through and edit well help here before you submit. Overall you had a good use though if basic punctuation.
Short and sweet. To the point and well written, this was a good piece of writing.


The winner of the vignette is ... Mikael!

Black Shadow comes in a close second!

Rewards below!

Mikael gets ... 200 experience and 200 gold!
Black Shadow gets ... 640 experience and 150 gold!
Avyriel gets ... 100 experience!