I let the gentleman take my salted pork, and acknowledged the child milling about with a nod.

"Not so much a haunting thing, I attribute hauntings to ghosts, maybe a weak daemon. No, this thing was around before the beginning. It knew gods before they were gods, and is as far beyond immortals, as we are to mortals. Do not be mistaken either they are powerful with even lesser deities, and most arch daemons seeking their counsel." I explained, purposely neglecting to mention any names as even thinking of them could get their attention.

I continued my explanation "mind you they're not evil in the strictest sense that would require them recognizing our morality, which would require them recognizing us at all beyond how we would recognize a mosquito."

And that was being generous!

"I believe this... thing is waking up."

I smiled, and blinked the haze from my mind "I'm Aribus Wren." I finally introduced as I found a comfortable place to sit.

"Now, I'm not about to go tussle with that thing. Best let sleeping dogs lie, but it did conjure, or attract a servant. Now that thing, that I will test."