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Thread: Happy Hour Challenge The Fourth

  1. #11
    Break knees, collect fees
    EXP: 94,624, Level: 13
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next level: 9,376
    Level completed: 34%,
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    BlackAndBlueEyes's Avatar

    Madison Freebird
    Too old for your s***
    The Absolute Worst

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    Nah. Due to a lack of interest overall, I'm gonna close this contest.

    It probably goes to say something that even I forgot about this one.
    "Being evil never felt so good!" - Marie, Splatoon

    these are the weapons of bedeviling times

  2. #12
    EXP: 755, Level: 1
    Level completed: 38%, EXP required for next level: 1,245
    Level completed: 38%,
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    Lightfoot's Avatar

    Jasker Lightfoot
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    Dark Brown
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    Mercenary Thief/Rogue

    ((I don't care if you closed it! This got me thinking. Fate Points or contribution!))

    Why Godhand's A Prick
    Tomas Friskerken

    Some of you may know Godhand, some of you may not. But the self-proclaimed "badass" is sort of an Althanas legend in the pages of this site's mythos. Not for his writing or his "outstanding" track record with the ladies, but because he's a prick. He's outspoken, obnoxious, way too witty for his own Colombian (or wherever the hell he's from) good, and he's been able to squat and shit on just about every veteran user here.

    Now, my sources -- who will remain anonymous -- have told me of such examples through extensive interviews. Here is one such interview:

    Tomas Friskerken: So, Taskmienster, was it?
    Anonymous: That's right...wait, that isn't going to be in the article right?
    TF: Of course not. Now, you say that you've bore witness to Godhand's...let's call it "Prickyness", before?
    Anonymous: Oh yeah, tons of times. I remember once when he was trying propose this idea about having more volunteer content writers for the site or some shit, and after Sighter shot him down all hardcore, Godhand picked up his "Prick" spear and went at it.
    TF: I see.

    Sadly, Godhand was not available for comment on said situation because I didn't ask him for one. So I did some exstensive research on his background and discussed my finds in another interview:

    TF: Now, BlackAndBlueEyes, is it true that Godhand was a part of a top secret experiment bred for fighting, but when he woke up from his stasis pod he had no memory of who he was and just decided to be a prick?
    Anonymous: What? That doesn't even make sense, where are you getting your information?
    TF: So you agree?
    Anonymous: Well, yeah, he's a prick but I don't think --

    There you have it, yet another confirmation. As you can tell, Godhand's a prick. After that interview though, none of the other members of the site would speak with me. There's only one solution I could've come to: conspiracy. Godhand must have somehow strong-armed the site into, what a prick.

    Well, this is Tomas Friskerken for Channel Nine News, signing off.

    Last edited by Lightfoot; 04-09-09 at 02:08 PM.
    "Luck, skill - call it what you will. Whatever it is, I have plenty of it." - Jasker Lightfoot

    Jasker's Tale:
    Little White Lies (One-Shot; Finished)
    No Honor Among Thieves (Solo)
    August Auctions w/ EgoFinitum (Finished)
    Haunted Houses w/ EgoFinitum

    See you, Space Cowboy...

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