With Shin's departure (and, let's be honest, the arrival of the AP system), I've decided to revive Althanas Community Radio as a weekly site podcast. I'll be looking to find a happy medium between what I used to do and what he's done--so we'll have a more relaxed format to the show, but still have site-relevant segments on it.

What I'll be looking for is two regular co-hosts to alternate weeks, that way they don't have to commit to the show every week. I'll also be looking for a bunch of people who would like to be the guests on the show. This way, we have three people on every podcast, but nobody gets burned out doing shows week after week after week.

So, who wants to be on the air? Let me know if you're interested in alternating co-host or a special guest. I'm open to just about anyone being a guest, but I'll be a bit more selective about regular co-hosts.

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