Pictures flew through Sanste's head at a sickening speed. Dead trees, tombstones, a shed, gate, mystic, more tombstones. “Wait!!! Was that Mrs. Kyla?” Sanste stopped as he tried to better filter through the information. “Nope, not that golem. Not this one either.... Quickly!!! There, it's the one by the tree!”

“Great, the golem can't speak... I should have made a mouth. Guess I'll have to go over their myself,” the boy thought to himself as he stumbled over a gravestone. “Ouch! I guess it's like my father said. It takes years of practice specifically working with multiple golems to be able to properly handle them. Damn! I always just used one or two.”

Sanste commanded the golem near the mystic to try and keep track while the others would surround the area in case she tried to flee. However, the plans changed slightly a second after when the golem crafter tripped over another gravestone. “Ugh, can't keep track of all this stuff. Fine! I'll deactivate the one by the building and just leave it there at the entrance. Maybe the mystic will think it's still guarding if she does try to escape that way.”

With an ever increasing headache and sore body, Sanste made his way the best he could through the narrow rows of stones towards where he had saw the mystic.