Below you will find a list of the ships that frequent the docks at Etheria Port. Many, if not all, fly the proud flag of the Black Sails Armada. Should you like your ship listed here, post a link to your acquisition and a description below.

Be warned, those not close friends or members of the Armada will be subject to a... slight docking fee at the very least...


The Snowbourne
Current Owner: Torin Reahkari
Current Status: Under Repair, Docked

A frigate class ship built by Ithermoss, Torin, and Mathias. 12 cannons (6 per side) 4 smallguns (2 fore, 2 aft) 275 tons, 10 knot maximum (18.5 km/h) 2 masts, 4 square sails and 1 lateen. The ships hull is made of Oak, all weaponry is iron, and the sails are made of Canvas. *The general appearance of the Snowbourne will be expanded upon in further Etheria Port stories.

The Serpent
Current Owner: Malachi Drear
Current Status: Docked

A longship class vessel, moderately smaller and narrower than a full frigate, built by Lye, Torin, and Mathias. This vessel sports only 6 cannons (3 per side) and 4 Long guns (2 fore, 2 aft). Where it lacks in size and firepower, it makes up for in speed. This ship has 3 masts, one primary, and 2 secondary. The primary mast carries 2 sails, where the others carry only one. This ship is also rigged with one (1) lateen, hydrodynamic grooves along the sole (bottom) of the ship, a main anchor, kedge anchor, and a double rudder. The deck is rather flat and clutter free aside from the captain's cabin to help facilitate its boarding equipment for hostile take overs. The Serpent is very much like the assassins that captain it: fast, quiet, and agile. Designed to get in, get out, and take out specialized targets.

The Serpent is 225 tons fully manned (60-80 men), sails at a 15 knot maximum (27.8 km/h), and can broach-to with reduced risk of capsizing. For the construction, the hull, frame, and masts are all of lacquered oak. Weaponry is iron, and sails are canvas. The overall staining on the vessel render it a deep maroon and charcoal black. It's most discerning feature being the fanged serpent carving which serves as both the figurehead and railings.

The Fiesty Fox
Current Owner: Malachi Drear
Current Status: Docked

A 30 gun frigate, based on the Pallas-class fifth-rate frigates of the British Royal Navy of the 18th century. In particular she is based on the HMS Unicorn built in 1794.
On her Upperdeck she has 24 x 18-pounder guns, as her main attack. On the Quarterdeck she has 4 x 6-pounder guns and on the Forecastle 2 x 6-pounder guns.
As far as size goes she is 135 ft in length, and just over 12 ft in the depth of her hold. She has two decks, and a series of three floors beneath with a stable hold. Serving as a fast and sleek ship she favours speed instead of defense, and is made of a mixture of oak and ash for her decking on request of Philomel. She is fully rigged (three masts) with canvas sails and iron cannon.
Frigates were generally famous for their maneuverability and speed, and though were never as strong or bold as bigger ships they were often favoured as scouts.

The Iron Savage
Current Owner: Malachi Drear
Current Status: Docked

The Iron Savage is an ironclad ship-of-the-line, high and hulking. Her hull is impenetrably armored and bristling with cruel hooks and spikes, and her bow is shaped like an axe-head. Despite sporting a working steam engine, the Savage is mainly wind-propelled thanks to three colossal masts laden with tremendous sails, black as night. Her deck is high, wide, and flat, and the upraised edges of her hull shield her crew from attacks from below and further make boarding attempts difficult. She can be skeleton crewed by as few as 30 men, and can comfortably support a little more than 120.

The Iron Savage has no traditional armaments - she doesn't need them. Her steam engine has been retrofitted to heat a series of pipes running along her lower hull which, with the help of some clever alchemy, rapidly produces a thick and vast cloud of mist. The Savage's engine can be utilized to produce a short but powerful burst of speed, but her weight, bulk, and dependence on wind render her cumbersome to turn and slow-paced even in a straight line with strong wind.

The Iron Savage is a storied ship. She was once called Edulra'me, and she was the flagship of the Aleraran criminal empress Swanra'ann. Edulra'me was a solid oaken dreadnaught, famously steam-powered and lacquered crimson, and no craft could hope to outrun or outfight her. Some hints of what she used to be remain: glimpses of bloody wood amongst blackened iron. How Flint managed to steal her is as yet a mystery, but it's obvious that the act of transforming the flagship from something undeniably elegant to something so uncompromisingly brutish is a direct insult to Swanra'ann.

Though Flint Skovik oversaw her redesign and reconstruction, Malachi Drear funded and facilitated the work and materials. Flint captains her, but the deal that brought him into the fold clearly puts ownership of the Iron Savage on Drear himself.