Vindlyn did not like forests. She did not like swamps for that matter either, or jungles, or anywhere really were lots of messy and chaotic nature made its home. People had invented cities for a reason. A reason she was beginning to appreciate more and more as she walked further into the Brokenthorn Forest. A place that was most definitively filled with all manner of messy nature.
She did unfortunate enough see the necessity of being her however. No matter how much of an annoyance sleeping on the ground was. Her magic was not strong enough (at the moment anyway) for her to relay on it exclusively. That meant fighting with a sword and, if push came to show, knives. She was rather fair at sword fighting if she could say so herself, but so was many other and she was nothing more than average strong and fast. Not something that could be said for some of the opponents she had run into. She needed an edge, and it just so happened that she had come across a lovely receipt for a very effective poison who could easily be made in large quantities, according to her book anyway. Excellent so far but the prime ingredients for this poison could only be obtained here, in Brokenthorn Forest. Sure, she could probably have bought it somewhere but as much as she disliked nature, she disliked to waste her hard-earned gold when there was cheaper alternatives so she bit her teeth together and went ahead.