As some of you may know, me and the wife are expecting a little girl in mid June. It's our first child and i'm finding myself with a lot to do to prepare for little one's arrival, as well as helping Mrs Shinsou carry out day to day stuff that she can no longer do on her own.

With that in mind, i'm announcing a break from writing. This will be effective from the date our involvement in the LCC ends.

I will ensure that current threads I am in with Krugor, Ioder and company are completed, but this means I won't be involved in, nor starting, any new threads until my return after little one is born.

I will be carrying on with my normal judging duties, which will not be affected by this break, and i'll still be around the site. I just don't think I will be able to churn out posts like I have been doing whilst also attending both to the new family addition and my role as a judge. As fun as the LCC has been, it has also been quite time consuming and i'm treading a fine line with the Mrs everytime I tell her "I just have to get this post done honey."