Whatever glamour spell the fae had used, Sage was still trying to pick it apart from within. Cautiously watching and studying how his perception of the world was distorted and how it all seemed to lead back towards the fae who he was sure had cast it. Under a more controlled environment, Sage would have been all the more willing to volunteer his services to study the effects of such a spell.

He hoped to one day become more than proficient with magic so that he could learn or create his own spells. And knowing how the effects of Glamour spells worked from first-hand experience would certainly be invaluable. But here and now, the situation was less than ideal.

The effects of the allure lessoned a considerable degree when the two men had stormed into the tavern intent on making hell for the foreign dancer.

“Wait, a dancer, when did anyone start …?” Sage cursed the effects of the spell she had placed him under. He watched the growing commotion between the Dancer and the men in concern. As was everyone else in the tavern, he was ready to either retreat or to intervene if things went way too far. He was honestly routing for the woman to somehow gain the upper hand in the scuffle. But then it was over.

Almost as fast as it started the men were down on the ground, clutching at their family jewels in sheer agony that had every man watching wince in sympathy for their pain. Though not by the Dancer, Confusion swept across her face and the fae had been as indecisive as everyone else. “What just happened?”

“Odd” he mumbled with noncommitting shrug, he had not seen what had happened, but with the way those two men had shrivelled into themselves, he didn’t want to know. Still he sought out the fae once more, this time committing himself to find his answers and to ignore whatever passes that the drunken man by the bar was surely to pass his way. He didn’t think a Tavern brawl would stop him.

The allure was gone, he quickly noted the woman’s face had returned to its normal features again, Dark dusky skin with coal black hair. Nothing about it drew his attention to a single spot, and no longer was he feeling inclined to just follow like a helpless puppy either.

She sat heavily in the chair that the creature had been leading her towards looking rather pale. “Had something happened?” He wondered as he looked around, catching sight of naught but the troublemakers being hauled away and the regulars returned to their drinks like it was Tuesday.

No longer compelled, Sage felt as awkward as he should have felt when walking up to a woman as boldly as he had, he should have walked away, return to his room and forget the event had even happened. Should have, if something had not spooked the woman badly enough to upend the contents of her purse for drink. Instead of walking away Sage pulled a spare seat away from the table and briefly caught a glimpse at the other woman who had been the table’s sole occupant. She was a rather severe looking woman, scarred and hardened. Yet he got the distinct impression that as aloof as she seemingly appeared she was also about as adept at social interaction as he normally felt.

“Ah, Excuse me” He said, contemplating if he should wait for some sort of permission from the woman who was friends with the odd enthusiastic plant like creature in a dress, and what sort of dynamic that must make. “Is something wrong?” he asked the fae, his face contorting into one of concern “you look like you have seen a ghost”