Quote Originally Posted by Storm Veritas View Post
Just finished listening to the podcast and really enjoyed it. It was quite long, so apologies for not chewing through it faster. Got quite the laugh out of this exchange:

Philomel - Chris, would you like to read the next question, which is the BEST question we received?
Shin - OK, well, it's at least the easiest to answer. Mr. Veritas said:
Philomel - (Interjecting) - Oh God, not THAT. I was talking about Black and Blue Eyes...


In seriousness, I asked the question because I expected that answer from you both. I actually disagree for a very different reason, but that's a sidebar discussion we can have elsewhere.

Overall, great job. It was a fun listen and I look forward to hearing more!
Thanks for the feedback Storm! I'd be happy to debate that at any time with you on a seperate podcast, so if you want to talk more about it hit us up and maybe we can get you on as a guest!

Remember guys there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate. We can all be objective and we all have our own opinions so we welcome this sort of thing