In a cage again...
From the moment Tosu died, he had remained a captive of the newly united Corone. He was branded an enemy of Fordstein's government, vilified with propaganda and portrayed as a famous terrorist. While its conclusion was foregone at the moment of conception, the trial's theatrics had proved the only break from the monotony of incarceration.
With that excitement behind him, the wayward shaman was back to basking in saltwater splashes and whispering to his companions the seagulls.
Weeks out on the open ocean gave him an opportunity for reflection; his stomach and his thoughts rose and sank with the waters. Nobody in the crew spoke to him, the order to ignore him came from on high. He surmised it was the vastness of the ocean to blame, but even the spirits of his ancestors became distorted. Quiet thought had always brought them to him in the past, but since the death of the boy, Gum had only heard broken whispers in his head. In truth, he believed they abandoned him because of the damage he had done his people. He felt responsible for everything: Tosu, Akashima, Phyr, and most of all, the fate of his own people.