The end of her world was upon her, she stood at it's edge. With one single step she could bridge the gap between the life she had know for so long and the one she had left behind so many moons ago. Her cabin had given her strength, it had regrown bones, it had mended wounds, it had breathed life back into the shell of what she once was.

Kyla Orlouge glanced back at the womb of her second coming and breathed deeply six times.

One for the childhood she now remembered.

One for those who took it away.

One for the man who created her.

One for the man who destroyed her.

One for fate's wiling soldier.

One for the women she had now become.

The mystic pulled her eyes from the nearly collapsed shack she had called home for so long and took the final step into the open air.

For the first time in so long, she felt-----