The woman’s words took Varin by surprise.

Peering down at the woman, his slitted gaze reflected her initial anger. Outsider’s feelings towards his place in society often drifted towards pity or shock. Ray’s brief outburst struck him as one of the more explosive reactions he had witnessed. In an odd way, her vehemence was comforting. It agreed with his own muted feelings on the matter, feelings that he found himself doubting every so often, ones he didn’t like to share.

Perhaps this woman was indeed worth what little trust he had to offer.

Varin gently set his not-really-all-that-weaponized ladder down and lowered himself off of the roof gingerly. He landed on the dry ground with a gentle thump, wings fluttering. “Your plan is better than any I have at the moment,” the Drakari told her as he brushed the rust from his robes. “I do not know that the scent of your clothes would be enough to completely lose my pursuer, but it would confuse him for a time, at the least. If he is quick enough to the draw though, he may connect my scent to yours. Still, it might buy a few extra hours to allow for an escape.”

She sighed, brushing a curl of damp hair back from her face thoughtfully. “In that case, we should work quickly. Here, follow me,” she said, gesturing down the road. “We should also try to figure out the fastest way out of town then. I came here on foot, I’m afraid.”

Varin nodded. “Yes, we should. Um, if I may...” he asked, padding uncertainly after her. “What do you get out of this?”

Confusion softened her expression, her mouth turning down in a slight frown as she glanced back at him. “Get out of this?”

The bird on Varin’s shoulder badgered him with a few short, sharp shrieks. He looked away and twisted his hands together apologetically. “Helping me, I mean. To be truthful, you are potentially placing yourself in danger. I have met only a few people willing to lend aid for no other reason than because they simply could. I do not mean to accuse you of underhanded intentions, but...” He shrugged helplessly. “I find myself curious.”