
I am still on the job hunt a month later. My company was recently bought into a merger and while still not giving me a direct answer, they are likely not permitting me to work remotely. My home closes on the 4th of May and our house is only 50% packed. We will be driving ourselves to Oregon to save on ridiculous moving costs. We then have from the 7th to the 23rd to find a job before we close or the loan falls through and we're homeless. To have come so far and still have it out of reach is incredibly frustrating. I don't suppose any of you know of a work from home program that isn't a total scam?

In short, unless I secure a job in Oregon, I will be exceedingly sparse for about another month or indefinitely if the loan falls through. Hand tight Althanas. I promise to get things updated and rejuvenated here one way or another.

To my staff: Thanks for keeping the fire burning. I appreciate all of your work. Please feel free to reach out to me if you'd like some additional tasks to get the ball rolling on the updates.