Quote Originally Posted by Lye View Post
Less than three weeks to move. Deadline for resignation is Friday if my company doesn't come through on the remote option. Both homes are under contract and in process. Inspection only turned back two critical points: a dead outlet and chimney cleaning. Appraisal is due sometime this week and should everything go well, that's it. Only loose end is the job and signing over utilities.

This week will be packing the house and finalizing repairs. Some moving company wanted 12,000 to move our stuff to Oregon. Twelve. Thousand.

Who pays that money?

Anywho, still busy, still job hunting, still thinking of Althanas. Hope to be back soon and busy tidying up the place.
F*cking hell! Who was this outfit, SpaceX?! For that money I'd want Elon Musk to move my shit via rocket.