Felicity's fist connected with Zrazire's toothy jaw, a clean and well-delivered blow that dispatched the behemoth through the air and across the slick, marble floor. The fiery warrior crumbled to her knees in tears, overcome with emotion. She had protected the diminutive drow with her own body, prevented a clawed swipe meant for Yvonne and in the interim suffered one of her own. They would have to take a look at the wound as soon as possible, apply a herbal remedy and a bandage, but first--

Yvonne's turn.

She felt so utterly enraged by Zrazire's pigheadedness - that he would dare raise a clawed hand against her and muster the audacity to lacerate Felicity - it was absolutely sickening to her stomach. There wasn't a chance in the ninth and final hell Yvonne was going to take that lying down, but - sprawled horizontally upon the marble, clutching his face - Zrazire would have to deal with audacity lying down, from her.

Her heeled boots scrunched with the strain of leather, each slow, tense step she placed ahead of herself broadcasting just how furious she felt. Nobody inflicts pain on me friends. Nobody! Not ye! Not yer dog! Not yer Aunty! I. Will. Not. Tolerate. It.

Yvonne ground her footing into place next to Zrazire's head. She bent down to meet him on his level - which felt so much more proper - for the first time since meeting the spiked oppressor. Her words were a whisper. Black as her skin. Threatening. Sinister. Cold.

"If ye think that hurt, yer in for a shock," she began, gritting her teeth, her silver eyes glinting, deadly. "I will tear every piece of wood in this building apart. I will shatter every stone ye have built yer business upon. Everything ye know ta be yer own will crumble around ye. Everything ye have ever done ta yer employees will lash back on ye one hundred fold. I will build a business identical ta this one right next door. I will recruit every employee ye have. I will take every customer that was ever unlucky enough ta walk through yer door. I will leave ye with nothing. Yer family will starve because ye were a prick ta tha wrong bitch. Don't think for a second that I can't or I won't. I will ruin you, Zrazire."

Yvonne seethed, exhaling fury through her flaring nostrils, completely unafraid of the draconic abuser beneath her. He could have torn her limb from limb, but the sheer weight of her voice held him down. She hadn't even lain a finger on him, but for the life of him he could not rise.

"Ye have no idea who yer dealing with. I will become yer worst nightmare." That pointing finger emphasized her frightening intention. She was deadly serious, every word. She would build a business next door if he didn't change his ways. She would destroy his life and there would be no claws, no swords.

"Scurry away little worm, before I squash ye," she fumed. "Crawl away ta yer darkest hiding place and don't come out until we have gone!" Only at the tail end of her command did she finally raise her voice to a dangerous growl.

Zrazire did exactly as he was bid. He bailed into the back rooms, hurrying away, tail betwixt his legs. Yvonne watched him go, breathing heavily, daggers for eyes.

It was about this time that the assistant cautiously peeked out from below the counter, eyes wide at the goings on.