I just sent this email to participants. If you are willing on taking part in the second part of the survey please let me know and I will link you to the Focus Group information sheet.

For those who are interested in the first one, I will be closing the Questionnaire in two days, but here is a link nevertheless: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...rm?usp=sf_link

Dear Participant

In late June and early July of 2018 you were willing to take part in my dissertation for my masters of Information and Librarian Studies at the university of Strathclyde that looks at the link between amateur creative writers, their research, and information literacy.

At the end of the Questionnaire you were asked if you were willing to part in the second part of the project, which involves partaking in a Focus Group. This was done in accordance that you will have done some form of creative writing in the time between the Questionnaire and the focus group, and possibly begun to consider your information literacy in more detail.

As you selected 'yes' to be part of the Focus Group, and submitted your email, I am now inviting you to be part of that. Below you will find a link to the information sheet regarding the Focus Group as well as another consent form.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. There is no requirement to take part in this next part of my study, and I will only email again if you are willing to take part, to notify you of a time slot for the Focus Group.